Reviewing and Resolving Usage Transactions
This portal is used to review and/or resolve a Usage Transaction.
You can access the portal from the Main > Usage > Usage Transaction. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching. Once your record has been selected you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Main tab page:
Usage Transaction: Defines basic information about the usage transaction, including usage period date ranges, date breaks within the usage period, scalar usage details, and usage quantity details.
Service Quantity Overlay: Displays interval data for each service quantity for the usage transaction's usage period
Time of Use By Day: Displays TOU-mapped interval data by day for the usage transaction's usage period
A number of important actions are available for a Usage Transaction depending on its status:
Allowed Statuses
Approval In Progress
Issue Detected (only when the exceptions are marked to require approval)
Allows a user to bypass any exception or failure message for the Usage Transaction and attempt to send it to the requesting system.
Approval In Progress
Issue Detected
Reruns the entire process of calculation along with any validations (all usage calculation rules) for the Usage Transaction.
Subsequent Correction
Allows a user to indicate that the usage transaction was corrected after being sent. Sets the status of the usage transaction to Subsequent Correction.
Send Error
Allows a user to re-send a usage transaction (via its related outbound message) to an external system. Used when an error occurs when sending usage transactions.