Creating Measurement Data Snapshots
Measurement data snapshots can be created either via batch extract processing or as part of usage transaction processing. Batch extract processing is typically run daily (or on some other regular basis) and is used primarily for initial settlement calculations. Usage transaction processing is most often used to create ”final” or billed” measurements used with final settlement calculations.
Both approaches support creation of measurement data snapshots for use with implementations in which Meter Data Management and Market Settlements Management are installed in separate application environments, or in a single application environment.
Batch Extract Processing
As noted above, batch extract processing is typically run daily (or on some other regular basis). Measurement data snapshot creation via batch extract processing is based on configuration of two types of objects:
Consumption Extract Types
Batch Controls
There are three types of batch extract processing based on the type of measurement data: interval measurements, scalar measurements , and items. The table below outlines the consumption extract type business objects and batch controls used for each type of data.
Data Type
Consumption Extract Type Business Object
Batch Control
US Extract Intervals to MDS (D1–ConsExtractTypeInterval)
Extract US Intervals to Measurement Data Snapshots (D1–EUSIM)
US Extract Item to MDS (D1–ConsExtractTypeItem)
Extract US Item Consumption to Measurement Data Snapshots (D1–EUITM)
US Extract to Scalar Measurement Snapshot (D1–ConsExtractTypeScalar)
Extract US Scalar Reads to Measurement Data Snapshots (D1–EUSSR)
The following sections provide additional details about the consumption extract types and batch controls used for measurement data snapshot creation.
Consumption Extract Types
Consumption extract types define several parameters used by the measurement data snapshot extract process. As outlined in the table above, there is a separate consumption extract type business object for each type of data.
See Understanding Consumption Extract Types for general information about consumption extract types.
Measurement data snapshot consumption extract types are defined by the following:
Extraction Through Date/Time: The date and time through which extract requests for this extract type have been processed
Extraction Cutoff Time: The time at which extract requests of this extract type are cutoff
Extraction Parameters: Parameters used in extraction processing, including:
Subscription Type: The type of subscription (Settlements or CIS) for which extracts of this type are processed.
Request Type: The request type associated with the extraction type.
Frequency: The frequency at which extract requests of this extract type are processed. Frequency options include Adhoc and Automated Daily.
Measurement Data Snapshot Type:  The measurement data snapshot type used to create measurement data snapshots based on this extract type. The UOM of the snapshots must be compatible with at least one of the UOMs in the list of Usage Subscription Types. In addition, type’s UOM / SPI combinations must be compatible with at least one of the UOM / SPI combination listed in the Usage Subscription Types list. Used with Scalar and Item consumption extracts only.
Extraction Batch Control: The batch control used to extract the measurement data to measurement data snapshots, based on the type of data to extract and the consumption extract type.
Data Type
Batch Control
Extract US Intervals to Measurement Data Snapshots (D1–EUSIM)
Extract US Item Consumption to Measurement Data Snapshots (D1–EUITM)
Extract US Scalar Reads to Measurement Data Snapshots (D1–EUSSR)
Extract To Different Usage Subscription: A flag that designates whether or not the measurement data snapshot should be extracted to a different usage subscription such as one used by Market Settlements Management. Options include:
No: The extract will reference the usage subscription for which usage calculations are being processed. This option is used when Meter Data Management and Market Settlements Management are installed in different application environments. In this case, the extract can be exported from Meter Data Management for subsequence import into Market Settlements Management.
Yes: The extract will reference a different usage subscription such as one used by Market Settlements Management. This option is used when Meter Data Management and Market Settlements Management are installed in the same application environment. In this case, the measurement data snapshot is “exported” within the system to the Settlement Item, where it can be used in data aggregation processing.
When this option is selected, the Source Identifier Type and Target Identifier Type fields must be configured to define how the system will determine the correct settlement usage subscription to use.
Irregular Data Flag Mapping: Ranges of condition codes used to flag data as “irregular”. The value of the Irregular Data Flag (based on the IRREGULAR_​DATA_​FLG lookup) is used to flag data that falls with each range configured. A blank Irregular Flag value denotes that the condition range is considered to be "Regular".
Usage Subscription Types: One or more usage subscription types from which the consumption can be extracted and stored into measurement data snapshots
Measurement Data Snapshot Types:  One more measurement data snapshot types used to create measurement data snapshots based on this extract type. The UOM of these snapshots must be compatible with at least one of the UOMs in the list of Usage Subscription Types. There must be at least one Measurement Data Snapshot type defined in this list for each UOM / SPI combination listed in the Usage Subscription Types list. Used with Interval consumption extracts only.
Consumption Extract Batch Controls
Consumption extract batch controls define the consumption extract type and date range used for the measurement data snapshot creation process. As outlined in the table above, there is a separate consumption extract batch control for each type of data.
Al three batch controls use the same parameters:
Consumption Extract Type: The consumption extract type for which the batch will be executed. The consumption extract type business object should align with data type of the batch control (interval, scalar, or item).
Start Date/Time: The start of the period that will be extracted
End Date/Time: The end of the period that will be extracted
Each batch control uses a distinct pair of algorithms to select the records to process (Select Records) and to create the measurement data snapshots (Process Records). The table below outlines the algorithms used with each batch control.
Batch Control
Select Records Algorithm
Process Records Algorithm
Extract US Intervals to Measurement Data Snapshots (D1–EUSIM)
Select Interval Snapshots for CET and Date/Range (D1-CETISSERC)
Create Measurement Data Snapshot Interval (D1-CETISPRRC)
Extract US Item Consumption to Measurement Data Snapshots (D1–EUITM)
Select Scalar Snapshots for CET and Date/Range for Item (D1-CETITEMSR)
Create Measurement Data Snapshot Scalar with Item Consumption (D1-CETITEMPR)
Extract US Scalar Reads to Measurement Data Snapshots (D1–EUSSR)
Select Scalar Snapshots for Consumption Extract Type and Date/Range (D1-CETSCSPSR)
Process Measurement Data Snapshot Scalar Records (D1-CETSCSPPR)
Usage Transaction Processing
Measurement data snapshots can be creating during usage transaction processing through configuration of the Daily Scalar Calculation Rule, Get Interval, Get Item Counts and Consumption, and Get Scalar Details usage calculation rules. When these are configured properly, the usage calculation process calculates service quantities and extracts measurement data for snapshots. See Understanding Usage Calculation Rules for more information about configuring usage rules to create measurement data snapshots.
Initial Measurement Snapshots
When measurement data snapshots are created via usage transaction processing as a result of a request for billing determinants from a billing system (including the billing functionality in Customer To Meter), initial measurement snapshots are created to “hold” the snapshots while the “Used on Bill” flag on the usage transaction is set to “No”. When the “Used on Bill” flag is updated the “Yes”, the measurement data snapshot is created from the initial measurement snapshot. See