Using the Meter Operational Dashboard
This portal is used to display the Meter Operational Dashboard.
You can access the portal by selecting Main , Dashboards, Meter Operational Dashboard. Once you've selected this menu option, you're immediately brought to the initial tab of the dashboard.
The Operations tab displays the following zones:
IMD Loading Trend: displays the count of initial measurement data that's loaded each day by Head End system.
Device Event Loading Trend: displays the count of device event data that's loaded each day by Head End system.
Incomplete IMDs by Status: displays a set of counts for initial measurement data by status.
Incomplete IMDs Trend: displays a set of counts for initial measurement data for each day by status
VEE To Dos by Exception Type: displays a set of counts for VEE Exceptions by Exception Type that also still have a To Do that's incomplete.
VEE To Dos Trend: displays a set of counts for VEE Exceptions by Exception Type for each day that also still have a To Do that's incomplete.
Usage Transactions by Status: displays a set of counts for usage transactions by status.
Usage Transactions Trend: displays a set of counts for usage transactions for each day by status.
Usage Transaction To Dos by Exception: displays a set of counts for Usage Transaction Exceptions by Exception Type that also still have a To Do that's incomplete.
Usage Transaction To Dos Trend: displays a set of counts for Usage Transaction Exceptions by Exception Type for each day that also still have a To Do that's incomplete.
Filtering by Division
Data displayed in the zones on the Operations tab (except the IMD Loading Trend and Device Event Loading Trend zones) can be filtered by Division. To enable filtering by Division set the Restrict Division setting in the Control by Division section in the MDM Master Configuration to "Yes". If this is set to “No” the zones display data for all divisions.
When filtering is enabled, the Division drop-down list allows the user to select the Division for which they wish to view data. Available divisions are based on the divisions assigned to the user in the User Miscellaneous Information zone on the Miscellaneous tab of the User portal. The division marked “Use As Primary” is the default.
Batch Performance
The Batch Performance tab shows a series of zones related to any defined Performance Targets for batches. More information on Performance Targets can be found in the Framework guide.