Processing Methods
Processing methods define the format or means by which a service provider receives and/or sends data from and/or to the application, including as bill determinants, usage data, or device events. Processing methods are also used to define how to create information internal to the application such as initial measurement data and device events. Processing methods can also be used to define how command requests are sent to a given head-end system.
The following types of processing methods must be configured for the MV90 service provider. Refer to the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management / Smart Grid Gateway documentation for more information about configuring processing methods.
Initial Measurement Creation
Initial measurement creation processing methods define the business objects used to create initial measurements. The IMD Seeder inbound web service uses this processing method to determine which type of initial measurement business object to instantiate when receiving usage from a head-end system.
Override Processing Methods for Scalar Initial Measurement Data
In the MV-90 format, meter read start and stop values can represent either a calculated read based on the interval data that is included in the MV90 data, or a register read that has been logged using a separate channel. When the values represent a register read the application can create a second file for the scalar initial measurements. The creation of a scalar initial measurement file is triggered by the Register Type flag, DC_​REGTYPE, in the MV-90 data and the processMV90ScalarData variable in the EnvironmentSettings.xq file. The following register read values are valid for the DC_​REGTYPE field:
Visual energy readings
Visual demand and energy readings
Encoder register readings (energy only).
Both encoder and visual energy readings.
Calculate stop meter readings from the encoder base reading
In order to configure your adapter to create scalar initial measurements based on register reads, first define new measuring component types and register measuring components. Then use the new measuring component types to specify override processing methods on the Initial Measurement Creation processing method for your service provider.
Measuring Component Types for Scalar Reads: To create initial measurement data for register reads, first create new measuring component types to represent the registers. These will be used to create measuring components for scalar reads.
Example Measuring Component Type
Measuring Component Type: MV90_​SCALAR_​REG
Description: MV90 Scalar Register
Measuring Component Business Object: Register
Measurement Business Object: Measurement
Service Type: Electric Service
Allow Negative Consumption: Allowed
Consumptive/Subtractive: Subtractive
Read Method: Automatic Read
Other attributes such as Value Identifiers, VEE Groups, and so on, should be defined based on requirements
Register Measuring Components for Scalar Reads: Use the new measuring component types to create measuring components for the scalar measurements created by the register read process. You must create a corresponding register measuring component for each interval channel for which you will receive scalar reads. The channel number for the registers must be based on the channel numbers of the corresponding interval channels, plus the suffix defined in the “MV90ScalarChannelSuffix” environment setting. The default value for this setting is “_​S”. These registers must also be added to the device configuration used by the interval channels (in other words, both measuring components - interval and scalar - must be on the same device). The following table shows examples of these values for the measuring components:
Device Type/Serial Number
MV-90 Interval Channel Number
MV-90 Scalar Register Channel Number
MV90 Electric/00001
MV90 Electric/00002
MV90 Electric/00003
Override Processing Methods for MV-90 Service Provider: Add an override processing method to the Initial Measurement Creation processing method for the MV90 service provider for each register measuring component type. The business object for each override processing method should be “D5-InitialLoadIMDScalar”. The following tables shows examples of the override processing methods:
Measuring Component Type
Business Object
MV90 Scalar Register
Measuring Component Type 2
Measuring Component Type n
Device Event Mapping
Device event mapping processing methods define how head-end-specific device events are mapped to standard device event names. The Device Event Seeder inbound web service uses this processing method to determine which type of device event business object to instantiate when receiving device events from a head-end system.
UOM Translation
UOM translation processing methods define how head-end-specific unit of measure (UOM) codes are mapped to standard UOM codes. This processing method is used to determine how to map MV90 UOM codes to standard UOM codes when receiving usage from the MV-90 system.