Editing Configuration Files
This section outlines the changes that need to made in various configuration and build files to enable the application servers used in your implementation to communicate with each other, and to support the specifics of your head-end system. These files are also used in packaging and deploying the processes.
Server Definitions
In order for your adapter to work properly, you must set up the application servers that run the components used by the adapter communicate with each other as follows:
The Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway application server must be able to send and receive messages to and from the SOA Suite application server.
The SOA Suite application server must be able to send and receive messages to and from the head-end system application server, and the Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway application server
The head-end system application server must be able to receive and send messages from and to the SOA Suite application server.
The types of servers and the tokens that need to be replaced for each are listed below. Further below are the specific configuration files that must be modified, as well as the locations in each files that must be modified. Note that a port is listed, but may not be necessary depending on the type of installation. Also note that the SOA Server will have to have the partition name defined that is used.
SOA Server: This is the application server running the SOA Suite components, including Oracle Service Bus (OSB) and Oracle Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). The SOA server is referenced using the following tokens:
{SOA_​HOST}: the server where the SOA server has been installed
{SOA_​PORT_​NUMBER}: the port used by the SOA server
{SOA_​PARTITION_​DG}: the partition used by the SOA server. There are different partitions for the different adapters used by Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway.
XAI (OUAF) Server: This is the application server running the Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway (including the Oracle Utilities Application Framework, or OUAF) software, including the inbound/outbound message components. This server is referenced using the following tokens:
{WEB_​WLHOST}: the server where Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway and the message components have been installed
{WEB_​WLPORT}: the port used by the Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway application
{WEB_​CONTEXT_​ROOT}: the root directory at which the Oracle Utilities Smart Grid Gateway inbound web service
AMI Head-end Server: This is the application server running the head-end system software. The AMI head-end server is referenced using the following tokens:
{Headend_​MR_​Server_​DG}: the URL for either the actual head-end system's MR_​Server MultiSpeak implementation, or the URL to an emulator test harness being used (if applicable). For example, the Adapter Development Kit includes a soapUI configuration that can be used to emulate a head-end system for testing purposes.
{Headend_​CD_​Server_​DG}: the URL for either the actual head-end system's CD_​Server MultiSpeak implementation, or the URL to an emulator test harness being used (if applicable). For example, the generic adapter includes a soapUI configuration that can be used to emulate a head-end system for testing purposes.
Headend_​OD_​Server_​DG}: the URL for either the actual head-end system's MR_​Server MultiSpeak implementation, or the URL to an emulator test harness being used (if applicable). For example, the generic adapter includes a soapUI configuration that can be used to emulate a head-end system for testing purposes.
In addition, credentials for the WebLogic server must be specified in the build.properties file in the deploy folder:
{WebLogic_​UserID}: the user ID used to connect to the WebLogic server
{WebLogic_​Password}: the password for the {WebLogic_​UserID} used to connect to the WebLogic server