Generating Java Classes from XML Schemas
In JDeveloper you can use JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding) to generate Java classes from XML schemas. JAXB is an easy way to incorporate XML data and processing functions in Java applications without having to know XML. You can generate a JAXB 1.0 or 2.0 content model, including the necessary annotations, from an XML schema.
When the JAXB binding compiler is run against an XML schema, JAXB packages, classes, and interfaces are generated. You can then use the generated JAXB packages and the JAXB utility packages in a binding framework to unmarshal, marshal, and validate XML content.
To generate Java classes from XML schemas with JAXB:
1. From the main menu choose File > New > Business Tier > TopLink/JPA and select either JAXB 1.0 or 2.0 Content Model from XML Schema to open the compilation dialog.
2. Select the schema file and optionally the JAXB customization file to use and the package to which the generated classes will be added.
The JAXB package and generated classes are added to the Application Resources folder.