Foreign Key References
A Foreign Key Reference defines the necessary information needed to reference an entity in a certain table.
You need to set up this control table if you need to validate a foreign key value against a corresponding table. For example, if a schema element is associated with an FK Reference the system validates the element's value against the corresponding table. Refer to Configuration Tools to learn more about schema-based objects. Another example is characteristics whose valid values are defined in another table (i.e., you use "foreign key reference" characteristic types). Refer to Characteristic Types for a description of characteristics of this type.
A FK Reference is used not just for validation purposes. It also used to display the standard information description of the reference entity as well as provide navigation information to its maintenance transaction. Info descriptions appear throughout the UI, for example, whenever an account is displayed on a page, a description of the account appears. The product provides base product FK references for many of its entities as they are used for validation and display of elements in both fixed page user interfaces as well as portal based user interfaces.
An implementation may also see the need to define a foreign key reference. The following points describe what you should know before you can setup a foreign key reference for a table.
The physical name of the table. Typically this is the primary table of a maintenance object.
The program used by default to construct the referenced entity's info description.
The transaction used to maintain the referenced entity. This is where the user navigates to when using the "go to" button or hyperlink associated with the entity.
The name of the search page or zone used to look for a valid entity.
The topics in this section describe various aspects of a foreign key reference definition and usage.
Information Description Is Dynamically Derived
Typically a FK Reference is defined for a maintenance object's primary table. In this case the system dynamically derives the standard information associated with a specific referenced entity as follows:
Attempt to determine the business object associated with the referenced entity. Refer to the Determine BO maintenance object algorithm system event for more information. If a business object has been determined, the system lets the business object's Information plug-in, if any, format the description.
If a business object has not been determined or the business object has no such plug-in, the system lets the maintenance object's information plug-in, if any, format the description.
If the maintenance object has no such plug-in, the system uses the info program specified on the FK Reference to format the information.
Note:Technical note. The class that returns the information displayed adjacent to the referenced entity is generated specifically for use as an info routine. Please speak to your support group if you need to generate such a class.
Note:Generic routine. The system provides a generic information routine that returns the description of control table objects from its associated language table. By "control table" we mean a table with an associated language table that contains a DESCR field. Refer to Defining Table Options for more information on tables and fields. The java class is com.splwg.base.domain.common.foreignKeyReference.DescriptionRetriever.
Navigation Information Is Dynamically Derived
Typically a FK Reference is defined for a maintenance object's primary table. In this case the system dynamically derives the actual transaction to navigate to for a given referenced entity as follows:
Attempt to determine the business object associated with the referenced entity. Refer to the Determine BO maintenance object algorithm system event for more information. If a business object has been determined, use the maintenance portal defined as its Portal Navigation Option business object option.
If a business object has not been determined or the business object defines no such option, the system uses the transaction specified on the FK Reference.
Search Options
The product provides two main metaphors for implementing a user interface. For input fields that are foreign keys, search options are dependent on the metaphor used by the page in question.
A portal based user interface is a more flexible user interface where an implementation has more options for customizing the look and feel. The base product uses UI maps or automatic UI rendering to display input fields. Elements that are foreign keys may display a search icon if the FK reference defines a Search Zone.
Note:Defining search zones directly. It's possible for elements on a UI map to define a specific search zone directly in the HTML, rather than using the search zone defined on an FK reference. Refer to the UI map tips for more information on implementing searches using zones.
A fixed maintenance page user interface is a page supplied by the base product where only minor enhancements, if any, can be introduced by implementations. The foreign key reference may be used in one of two ways.
The based product may use an FK reference to define a base element on one of these pages. If a search is available for such elements, the FK reference's Search Navigation Key is used to implement the search.
Entities that support characteristics typically include a generic characteristic collection UI metaphor on these types of pages. In this metaphor, a foreign key characteristic displays a search icon if the FK Reference has configured a Search Navigation Key.
Not every FK reference provided with the product is configured with a search option. This may be the case if the base delivered pages use a dropdown for this foreign key rather than a search. In addition, base provided FK references that do provide a search may not be configured with both search options. It means that if linking this type of object as a characteristic, the search may not be available if the appropriate search is not configured.