Maintaining Market Messages
Refer to Understanding Market Transaction Management for an overview of market messaging functionality.
Open this page using Main > Market Transaction Management > Market Message.You are brought to a query portal with options for searching for market messages. Both inbound market messages and outbound market messages may be queried here.
Once a market message record has been selected, you are brought to the appropriate maintenance portal (inbound market message or outbound market message) to view and maintain the selected record. The inbound market message portal and the outbound market message portal have similar portal tabs and zones.
The Market Message zone provides basic information about the market message. Refer to the embedded help for more information.
Related Objects
The related object tab includes several zones that display various objects that may be related to the market process.
Related Market Messages and Processes
This zone displays any entries in the related object collection that are outbound market messages, inbound market messages or market processes.
Other Related Objects
This zone displays any miscellaneous objects that are linked to the inbound / outbound market message in the related objects collection, besides outbound market messages, inbound market messages and market processes.