Sending Email
The framework provides the ability to initiate an email from within the system. The following topics highlight the functionality available.
Sending email "real time" using a specific business service. The framework provides a business service F1-EmailService that supports sending an email. The schema supports elements for all the information required to create an email real time. The SMTP information (host, user name and password) may be provided or may be defined on a message sender, that may be provided as input. In addition, the business service supports using a default message sender defined as a message option. Review the business service schema for information about the input elements.
Note:Retry setting. An option in the system properties file allows your implementation to configure the number of times to retry (if any) if the SMTP server is unavailable. Refer to the server administration guide for more information.
The business service supports sending attachments. The may either reference attachments from the file system (file name and content ID) or reference attachment records captured in the system's attachment table. Note that attachments in the file system are not supported in a cloud implementation.
Validating attachments. If a Validate Email Attachment algorithm is plugged into the installation record, it is called to validate the attachments supplied, if applicable.
Using an outbound message to send an email. This option allows for different variations as described in Outbound Messages.
Some emails may be created en masse (for example a large group of emails routed to users for a given set of To Do entries). In this case, the records can be created in the staging table for processing using OSB.
Messages may still be sent real time using one of two business services described in Real Time Messages. This option is an alternative to the dedicated email service described above when aspects of the outbound message functionality are needed, such as the ability to instantiate a record as an audit or to include additional logic via BO plug-ins as part of sending the email.