Determine the Identifying BO
As mentioned in other topics, the identifying BO is the business object that governs the business rules for a record. This is the business object that the record will be validated against when any additions or changes are made to the record as long as updates are made via the maintenance service. This includes using "invoke BO" for add or update, using inbound web service interaction and for access to the maintenance page service (via an old style fixed page or via a business service).
How does the system determine the identifying BO? An algorithm plugged into the maintenance object (the Determine BO plug-in spot) is responsible for this. If the maintenance object is not configured with an algorithm for this plug-in spot, or no BO is found by the algorithm, no BO business rules are applied.
Most maintenance objects in the system capture the record's identifying BO directly on the record. However, it is possible to define the identifying BO somewhere else. For example, there may be some maintenance objects that are master or transaction objects with an associated "type" object where the identifying BO is defined on its "type" object. Note that the standard Determine BO algorithm plugged into most maintenance objects (F1-STD-DTMBO - Determine Standard Business Object) checks for these two conditions.
There may also be cases where a single identifying BO is used for all BOs for a given MO. This may be an option used for some older maintenance object created prior to the business object functionality when implementations wish to introduce custom business rules that are common for all records of that MO. The product provides a base algorithm type (F1–MOBO - Determine Specific Business Object) that captures the BO as a parameter.