Prepare Issue Details
When a user encounters an error with the product and submits a service request, information about the environment, the release and the configuration of the user is often very helpful in understanding the cause of the problem. The system provides a script to capture the environment details and issue description for reporting purposes.
To access the script use Menu > Tools > Prepare Issue Details. The option is also available in the help menu in the toolbar.
A pop-up window is provided to display the details that are being captured, including a generated Issue ID to uniquely identify the report. The pop-up allows the user to add additional information describing the specific issue. When the user presses Save, the details are added to the system log with the issue ID, which can be searched when investigating the problem. A message will be displayed to either confirm the details were successfully logged or indicate that an error occurred.
Note:The script and menu item are secured. An application service F1-PREPISSUEDTLS has been provided to allow implementations to restrict user access to this functionality.