Batch Run Tree - Run Control
By default, if a batch process fails, it will restart. This tab allows you to modify the restart status of a failed run.
Navigate to this page using Menu > Tools > Batch Run Tree search for the desired batch control and then navigate to the Run Control page.
Description of Page
On the main page, you must select a Batch Control, Batch Number, and Batch Rerun Number to view a tree of the batch run. On this page, the following information is displayed:
Last Update Timestamp contains the date and time the most recent batch run started or completed.
Batch Business Date is the business date that was supplied to the background process (this date is used as the "system date" by the process).
Run Status indicates the status of the batch run. Valid values are: In Progress, Error, and Complete.
If the Run Status is Error, the system will attempt to restart this run when you attempt to execute the Batch Control. In most situations, this is exactly what you want to happen. However, there are rare situations where you do not want the system to execute a given batch run (e.g., if this run is somehow corrupt and you cannot correct the data for whatever reasons). If you want the system to skip the execution of a batch run (and proceed to the next run), turn on Do Not Attempt Restart.