Adding a Manual To Do Entry
If your system is configured with manual To Do types, you can add a To Do entry online.
Open the Menu > To Do > To Do Entry > Add.
You are prompted for a To Do Type. Only To Do types that are set up for manual usage appear in the list.
The default To Do Type Priority is displayed adjacent. Use Override Priority to override the default priority assigned by the system.
Type a Subject for your To Do entry. Depending on how the To Do type is set up, the subject may appear as the message in the To Do entry and To Do lists.
Enter a Comment to provide a longer description of and more details about the To Do entry.
Send To indicates whether the new To Do will be assigned to a Role (the default) or User.
The Role indicates the role to which this To Do entry will be assigned. Only users of the specified role will be able to view and work on the To Do entry. The role is defaulted from the To Do type. If you want to assign the To Do to a different role, change the specified role. You can only assign the To Do entry to one of the roles specified on the To Do type.
User appears if Send To is set to User. Use this option if you want to assign the To Do to a specific user. The user must be a member of the selected role.
If the To Do type defines valid characteristic types, the Characteristics collection is visible. If any of the characteristic types are flagged as Default on the To Do type, the characteristic type with its default value (if applicable) are displayed.