Understanding Out of Service Locations
Out of service locations are physical locations where assets are stored or repaired such as a storeroom, warehouse, or service facility. When assets are changed to statuses such as “In Repair” or “Pending Disposition” the asset location is typically moved to an out of service location.
Out of service locations are defined by the following
Location Type: The out of service location’s type. See Understanding Out of Service Location Types for more information.
Location Disposition: The current status of the out of service location (Active or Inactive)
Parent Location/Organization: The out of service locations’ parent location or organization (if applicable)
External ID: An ID used to identify the out of service location in external systems
Address Information: The physical address of the out of service location
Contacts: The primary contact for the out of service location. See About Contacts and Maintaining Contacts for more information about creating and maintaining contacts used with out of service locations.
Field Information: Additional information about the physical location, such as GPS coordinates