About Specifications
Specifications are used to define the manufacturer, model, and other information about a set of assets.
Specifications can include attachments which support the specification definition or provide the actual specification from the manufacturer.
Specifications may also include default in service and out of service maintenance schedules for assets or components linked to the specification. When the specification is associated with the asset or component, the related maintenance schedule becomes in effect for the asset or component.
Specifications are defined by the following:
Asset Type: The asset type associated with the specification. This links the specification to assets (assets of the specified asset type reference the current specification).
Manufacturer: The manufacturer associated with the specification.
Detail: Additional details pertaining to the specification. Details can include
Model: The model number for the specification. Used with item specifications.
Configuration Mapping: Details of the template device used when creating devices (meters, items, or communication components) based on assets that reference this specification. This includes:
Configuration: The type of configuration
Device Identifier Type: The device identifier type (Asset ID, Badge Number, Serial Number, etc.) used to identify the template device
Identifier Value: The value for the specified device identifier type used to identify the template device (for example, the Badge Number of the template device)
Firmware Information: Details concerning the firmware specifications associated with the specification (not used with analog meter specifications)
The base package includes the following specifications, each based on a different business object. The table below lists the base package specifications and the business objects for each.
Business Object
Analog Meter Specification
Item Specification
Communication Component Specification
Communication Relay Specification
Firmware Specification
Analog Meter Specification
Smart Meter Specification