Maintaining Assets
You use the Asset portal is used to display and maintain assets.
You can access the portal from Menu > Asset Management > Asset. You are brought to a query portal with options for searching. Once your record has been selected you are brought to the maintenance portal to view and maintain the selected record.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Main tab page:
Asset: This zone displays the basic attributes of the asset.
Attached Components: This zone displays a list of any components that are installed on the asset.
Disposition History: This zone displays a log of the status and location changes for the life of the asset.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Device tab page:
Device: This zone defines the basic attributes of the device
Device Configuration List: This zone lists the device configurations for the device
Device Activities: This zone lists activities related to the device in date descending order
Device Events: This zone lists the most recent device events associated to the device in descending order
Device Exceptions: This zone ists the first 50 VEE exceptions for all measuring components for the device, sorted by the exception creation date in descending order
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Maintenance tab page:
Asset Service History: This zone displays a log of the service history that has been recorded for the life of the asset.
Activity History: This zones displays a log of the activities that have been performed on the asset over the life of the asset.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Tree View tab page:
Asset Hierarchy: This zone displays the service point at which the asset is currently installed (if applicable). Clicking the broadcast icon opens the Installed Assets zone, which displays a tree view of all of the assets installed at the service point.
Currently Installed Assets: This zone displays a list of all assets currently installed in this location.
Installed Assets: This zone displays a tree view of all of the assets installed at the service point.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Log tab page:
Asset Log: This zone displays the server logs for the asset.
Asset Sync Requests: This zone displays a list of synchronization requests related to the asset. Synchronization requests are used to synchronize the asset with an associated device.
The Asset portal may display tabs and zones beyond those described here. These tabs and zones are not used with Oracle Utilities Customer To Meter.
Working with Assets
A number of actions are available for an asset depending on its status:
Allowed Statuses
In Receipt
In Repair
Moves the asset to a storage (“out of service”) location and sets the asset’s status to “In Store”..
In Receipt
In Store
Sets the status of the asset to “Rejected” (used if an asset fails an inspection)
In Store
Installs the asset at an asset location (service point) and sets the asset’s status to “Installed”.
In Store
Sets the status of the asset to “In Repair”.
In Store
In Repair
Sets the status of the asset to “Retired”.
Pending Disposition
In Store
In Repair
Sets the status of the asset to “Pending Disposition”.
Change Location
In Store
Changes the storage location of the asset.
If an asset is deleted, its related device is also deleted.