Log Files
Log files are placed in the $OPERATIONS_MODELS/derms_forecasts/log directory. When the adapter is executed, old log files will be moved to the $OPERATIONS_MODELS/derms_forecasts/logs/old_log directory.
Log files are generated with following name format:
DERMS_Data_Errors_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.log: Contains any invalid data rows along with an error code from the below list.
DERMS-001: Too many fields.
DERMS-002: Too few fields.
DERMS-003: Invalid forecast date.
DERMS-004: Invalid hour value should be integer.
DERMS-005: Invalid hour value should be 0-23.
DERMS-006: Duplicate hourly record found for day type/hour value.
DERMS-007: Invalid Resource Name. The weather zone, DER, or Demand Response Group associated to the forecast could not be located in the configuration.
DERMS-008: Invalid forecast value. It should be a float value.
DERMS-009: Invalid number of hourly records.