Error Handling
The ingestion process for load profiles will perform error validation on the incoming data. It will create two error validation files and one timing file, which will be located in a subdirectory of the project configurable data location directory:
1. Invalid transformers (LP_Invalid_Transformers_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.log)
This file will contain a list of the transformer/feeder combinations that cannot be located within the NMS model.
2. Invalid data (LP_Data_Errors_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.log)
This file will contain any invalid data rows along with an error code from the table below.
3. Timing (LP_Timing_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.log)
This file will provide timing information related to different processes occurring during the load of profile data. For example, how long it takes to read the CSV files, how long it takes to write profiles to the database, and so on.
Error Code
Error Description
Too many fields
Expect 8 fields, 7 commas
Too few fields
Expect 8 fields, 7 commas
Invalid day type
The day type specified is not valid
Invalid hour value
Should be integer type
Invalid hour value
Should be 0 through 23
Invalid KW value
Should be floating type
Invalid KVAR value
Should be floating type
Duplicate Record
Duplicated hourly record found
Invalid KVA rating or utilization factor
These values should be present in table pf_loads
Transformer loading exceeds the rating based on specified threshold.
The threshold can be configured in the SRS rules, currently set to 200%
Invalid Weather Zone
The weather zone associated to the load could not be located in the configuration. Please validate table PF_WEATHER_ZONE to ensure this zone is added properly.
Invalid temperature value should be floating type.
Should be floating type.
Load is mapped to a zone but the zone does not appear to be a valid weather zone.
A zone was configured for the load but this zone does not appear to be configured as a weather zone. It is instead setup for something else like an individual DER forecast or Demand Response Group.
A Null Weather Zone value was provided.
The load was configured with a null weather zone value. Validate the zone associated to the load is present in table PF_WEATHER_ZONE and forecast date is present in table PF_WEATHER_ZONE_FORECAST.
A Null kW value was provided
The CSV file contained a record that had a null value for kW. This data will not be processed and the sample counts will not be increased. This data will be thrown away and not loaded.
Dist Gen data could not be located
Dist Gen information could not be located for a dist gen associated with a net metered profile.
Dist Gen has an invalid power source
Power source is invalid for a dist gen associated with a net metered profile.
Dist Gen Invalid Weather Zone
Weather zone is invalid for a dist gen associated with a net metered profile.
Dist Gen Profile is invalid
The profile associated to the dist gen could not be located. This is needed to perform net metered profile processing.
Dist Gen output exceeds the connected transformers rating based on a specified threshold.
This rule uses the same SRS rule as used for LP-010 and can be configured in the SRS rules. The NM-005 error is looking purely at Dist Gen output in comparison to the rating of the transformer excluding any loading information.