Building Sample AMR and AVL Adapter
The sample AMR/AVL adapter is a J2EE application, which is intended to be deployed on a J2EE application server, such as Oracle WebLogic Server.
Build Instructions
Source code for the sample adapter is located in the $NMS_BASE/sdk/java/samples/amr directory.
1. Edit the file:
a. Specify the location of the NMS SDK.
The NMS SDK is expected to be in the $NMS_BASE/sdk directory. The nms.sdk.dir property can be used to specify different location.
Uncomment the nms.sdk.dir property line and add the appropriate path.
# Location of NMS SDK.
# If not set then NMS_BASE environment variable is used
# to locate it.
nms.sdk.dir = path_to_the_dir
b. Specify location of the Java EE jar files.
If using WebLogic application server and the MW_HOME environment variable is set, then the jar files from $MW_HOME/modules directory will be used.
If Java EE 6 SDK is used, then you will have to set the javaee6.sdk.dir parameter to point to the Glassfish installation.
# If using Java EE 6 SDK to build the adapter this property
# should be set to the Glassfish install directory.
javaee6.sdk.dir = path_to_the_dir
2. From a command prompt, execute the following command:
ant clean all
If the build is successful, the build file, demo.ear, will be created in the build directory.
In order to run the sample application, the Oracle Thin JDBC driver has to be available on the application server where the adapter will be deployed.
The sample adapter uses a subset of the configuration options of the Oracle Utilities Network Management MultiSpeak Adapter. See the MultiSpeak Adapter chapter of the Oracle Utilities Network Management Adapters Guide for configuration and deployment instructions.