Feeder Load Management History and Accuracy
Historical tracking of Feeder Load Management (FLM) Forecasting is enabled in two steps:
1. An Event Management Rule (SRS Rule) called "ENABLE_FLM_HISTORY" must be activated.
2. Historical logging must also be selected on individual feeders in the Configuration Assistant’s "Feeder Management" tab.
Presentation of accuracy results is highly configurable. The FLM Forecast Accuracy page is driven from the FLM_FDR_LOAD_ACCURACY database view. Projects can create this view to display accuracy data in whatever fashion is deemed most appropriate. The product version of this view captures the following:
Maximum forecast for 3-phase totals of kW, kVAr, True Load, and Generation
Minimum forecast for 3-phase totals of kW, kVAr, True Load, and Generation
Average forecast for 3-phase totals of kW, kVAr, True Load, and Generation
Actual results for 3-phase totals of kW, kVAr, True Load, and Generation
Accuracy of average forecast for 3-phase totals of kW, kVAr, True Load, and Generation
Standard deviation of forecasts for 3-phase totals of kW, kVAr, True Load, and Generation
The minimum requirements for the FLM_FDR_LOAD_ACCURACY_VIEW are the following columns:
Note: The system assumes that these columns are present.
The accuracy trend graph can be modified to display any data that is captured in the FLM_FDR_LOAD_ACCURACY_VIEW. Product configuration displays the following:
Average Forecast of 3-phase Net kW
Actual value of 3-phase Net kW
Average Forecast of 3-phase Net kVAr
Accuracy of 3-phase Net kW
Accuracy of 3-phase Net kVAr (hidden by default)