Starting Oracle
Complete the following steps to start Oracle:
1. Login as oracle. If logged in as the root user, the system will not request a password. At the prompt, enter:
su - oracle
2. Login to SQL*Plus:
As the oracle user, enter:
sqlplus /nolog
At the SQL> prompt, enter:
connect / as sysdba
3. Start the listener.
4. As the oracle user, enter:
lsnrctl start
Note: The tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files must be properly configured to start the oracle listener. The location of these files may vary by system, but they must be consistent on all machines requiring connections via SQLNET.
5. Login as the distribution user and test the connection to Oracle. At the prompt, enter:
This references the RDBMS_USER, RDBMS_PASSWD and RDBMS_HOST to establish the connection to the database. If this connection is successful, a SQL> prompt will appear.