Modifying Environment Variables
Because of the innate flexibility allowed by environment variables, there are an infinite number of permutations you can apply for a system setup. Not everything you can do with these variables should be done. This section describes the suggested settings that you should adhere to in order to avoid confusion.
To modify the environment variables, complete these steps:
Modify the variable you want to change with the new settings in the .nmsrc file by running the nms-env-config script (see below).
Enter "source .nmsrc" at the prompt to source the file in the current working environment. The new variables replace the old variables.
Note: New variables replace the old variables when the file is sourced. You should source .nmsrc each time you change the file. The file .profile automatically sources .nmsrc at startup.
The nms‑env‑config script is used to modify environment variables in the .nmsrc file, as well as the two wallets that are used to store passwords for the database and connection to the application server. When run with no flags, nms-env-config will prompt you to set all aspects of environment variables and wallets. However, there are some command line flags you can add to shorten the task. For example, if you only want to update the database wallet, add "‑‑update‑db‑wallet". The list of arguments is as follows:
h, ‑‑help show this help message and exit
‑‑dbconfig, d Configure database variables and wallet.
‑‑baseconfig, b Configure NMS base environment variables.
‑‑appserverconfig Configure variables and wallet for the
application server.
‑‑adapter-config Configure MQ, IVR, and RDBMS/File-based
SCADA variables.
‑‑translation-config Configure translation variables.
‑‑updatedbwallet Update the database wallet password.
‑‑updatenmswallet Update the NMS (app server) wallet password.
Environment Variables
The table below lists the required environment variables and their standard settings that must be modified depending on the type and number of environments you are constructing. See templates/nmsrc.template for more variables. Other variables may be added as well, depending on the functionality of your system. This is not an exhaustive list, but it does address the variables typically required to start an Oracle Utilities Network Management System.
Environment Variable
Example Setting
In dual-environment configuration, this must be set to a different value in each environment.
This file will be generated and updated by Oracle. It defines all the expected date formats that can be encountered as input by widgets and Services. Services will use the values in this file, for example, as a format dictionary when given call time as part of a trouble call. Expected time formats should be placed near the top of the file so that the search and compare algorithm encounters the most likely values as quickly as possible.
Identifies which file to reference for isis parameters. This must be established before initiating an application.
System specific, the default should be 2042.
A TCP/IP connection port on which Oracle Utilities Network Management System processes communicate (via isis).
System specific, the default should be 2043.
A TCP/IP port used when you are making a connection to a "remote" protos. This can either be when the process is running on a machine without protos or if a local connection is attempted and all the local connections are filled. In dual-environment configuration, this must be set to a different value in each environment.
System specific.

The National Language Support value for the Oracle database installation. DBService will not start unless this is set correctly.
To definitively determine what the various NLS_LANG components should be for your RDBMS instance, the following query should be helpful:
select * from v$nls_parameters where parameter in (
System specific.
The hostname of the WebLogic Java application server.
System specific:
Example: 7001
The port on which the Java application server at NMS_APPSERVER_HOST is listening. The WebLogic default port is 7001. In dual-environment configuration, this must be set to a different value in each environment.
The protocol used to access the Java application server. Valid values are https and http. https is the default and highly recommended.
This environment variable is set to the product installation directory for the active installation.
This is the location of the project configuration and implementation files. The project name (for example, OPAL) must also match the NMS_CONFIG_ORDER variable on the left side (for example, "OPAL nms").
Project specific.
[project] nms
Defines the configuration inheritance path for a system. When the setup process executes, it searches this site variable from left to right looking for configuration files with prefixes that match the value in the site variable. This feature lets you inherit or override the nms configuration. This variable is used by most of the configuration scripts.
Defines the location of data files used in various scripts and routines that define aspects of system configuration. This variable must be defined and can be accessed from a number of scripts. The standard location for these files is the $NMS_HOME/sql directory.
Examples arenms_classes.dat, nms_inheritance.dat, and OPAL_devices.cel.
Defines the location of scenario files used by the RecordStorm utility. The standard location for these files is the $NMS_DATA_FILES directory, which is used when $NMS_SCEN_FILES is not set.
Used by the ISQL process to identify the tablespace name of data tablespace.
Identifies how long to store the old log files. When services are restarted, log files older than the set number of days (5 in this case) will be removed.
The domain suffix to be used when sending emails via Service Alert.
Indicates which NMS environment this is. This must have a value of either "1" or "2." In dual-environment configuration, this must be set to a different value in each environment.
The nmsadmin username home directory. This is the directory where the implementation directory and runtime directories exist. This should be set to the nmsadmin username home directory.
(Obsolete) Used by the ISQL process. It will parse SQL scripts that create indexes and make sure that the index is actually created in the specified tablespace name. This tablespace must be owned by the user configured in the Oracle Wallet. The practice of separating indexes from operational data may improve Oracle performance, but is often not necessary on an Oracle RDBMS installation that leverages solid state storage or general purpose SAN storage.
Used by DBService processes. Sets the size limit (in MB) for fetching CLOB columns from the database. If column value is larger than the specified limit than truncated value will be returned. Range of valid values is 1 through 100 MB.
Default value is 10MB.
For services and login environments, this defines where to place the resulting log files. Since log file generation requires write access for a process, the user who started the process must have write access to this directory. It is highly recommended that this directory be located on a different file system than $NMS_BASE. Writing NMS logs to a separate file system reduces the likelihood of logs filling up a file system, which could impact the execution of NMS Service processes.
System specific.
In a dual-environment configuration, this must point to the $OPERATIONS_MODELS directory of the other environment. Otherwise, this variable must be blank. This is used for syncing $OPERATIONS_MODELS when switching environments.
System specific.
The hostname where the Naming_Service is started. Only needed for sites running a Java application server.
System specific.
The port on which the Naming Service is running. Only needed for sites running a Java application server. In dual-environment configuration, this must be set to a different value in each environment.
Provides a common location to place the base Oracle Utilities Network Management System directories and files owned by the administrator. It is recommended that you set this to the home directory of the Oracle Utilities Network Management System administrator. By specifying this directory correctly, you can use it to simplify other installations. When this value changes, the change will be cascaded throughout the other dependent environment variables. This environment variable is used by a number of scripts and processes.
System specific
This represents the name of the site the local host belongs to. The nms-env-config script defaults this to the FQDN where nms-env-config is run if no value is entered by the user, but any name can be chosen up to a maximum length of 255 characters. This value must be unique between NMS hosts, match a value in the SITE column in the CES_PARAMETERS table (see “Site-specific Parameters”), and be identical on both environments of a host when Dual-Environment Configuration is used.
The hostname or IP address of a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server. This is used by Service Alert when sending alert emails. See also: NMS_DOMAIN_SUFFIX.
Defines the location of SQL files used by NMS. This variable must be defined and can be accessed from a number of scripts. The standard location for these files is the $NMS_HOME/sql directory.
Location of the client SSL certificate which is used by SwService to establish secure connection to the WebLogic server. Security chapter covers the process for creating such certificate.
Environment specific.

Defines the display format for which all applications will display date and time elements. The format for this requires specifying 3 formats:
date and time | date | time
The three formats specified in this environment variable must also be added to the $DATEMSK file.
Directory containing model files. Traditionally set to ${NMS_HOME}/data.
System specific:
Identifies the home directory for the Oracle user. This is necessary to simplify other variables dependent on this path.
System specific.
The read-only database log in name.
System specific.
The read-write database log in name.
System specific
The service name of the Oracle database that the system should connect to.
System specific.
Example: PRODSERV01
Identifies the Oracle session ID value.
Model specific.
Example: OPS:PSU
Defines what alias of a device is to be displayed by default. In the example, the system will display the alias that has a DB_TYPE of OPS as found in the alias_mapping table. If an alias with a DB_TYPE of OPS does not exist, then the PSU (pseudo) alias will be displayed. This, by convention, is a unique name of [class_name.device_idx]. Depending on the model build definition, you can use and define other alias options, such as a SCADA alias.
System specific.
The tnsname for establishing a sqlnet connection via Oracle to the admin schema. This value must exist in the tnsnames.ora file on the system attempting a connection. This is required for the use of many setup scripts and ISQL ‑admin.This value must be different from RDBMS_HOST.
System specific. Example:
The tnsname for establishing a sqlnet connection via Oracle to the read/write schema. This value must exist in the tnsnames.ora file on the system attempting a connection. This is required for the use of many setup scripts and ISQL. This value must be different from RDBMS_ADMIN.
Identifies the primary symbology file loaded by the Viewer. This file identifies the Viewer symbols for objects that do not have Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) symbols.