Operation Plans
These are the Site Guard operation plans for NMS. Follow the instructions in the Creating Operation Plans section of the “Performing Oracle Site Guard Operations” chapter of Site Guard Administrator’s Guide to create the operation plans you will be using. Choose the Operation Type specified under the Operation Type heading for each operation. For operations only involving one site (Start and Stop), the operation must be configured for each site. For operations involving two sites (Switchover, Failover, and Failover Patching), an operation plan must be created for each combination of Primary and Standby site. For example, with three sites (A, B, and C), these combinations must be configured: A → B, A → C, B → A, B → C, C → A, and C → B. After an operation plan is created, edit it according to the instructions in the Operation Configuration section. See the Editing and Updating Operation Plans section of the “Performing Oracle Site Guard Operations” chapter of Site Guard Administrator’s Guide.
Start Operation
Operation Type
This operation starts NMS services and the WebLogic managed server at a site.
Operation Configuration
Disable the Start Managed Server steps in the operation plan.
Stop Operation
Operation Type
This operation stops NMS services and the WebLogic managed server at a site. The WebLogic Node Manager and AdminServer are left running.
Operation Configuration
Disable the Stop Domain, Stop Managed Server, Stop Admin Server, and Stop Node Manager steps in the operation plan.
Switchover Operation
Additional Prerequisites
SSH password-less login must be enabled between the NMS servers on each site.
Operation Type
This operation shuts down NMS at the primary site, performs a switchover operation in the Oracle RDBMS to make the chosen standby site primary, and starts NMS there. The original primary site becomes a standby site.
Operation Configuration
Disable the Stop Domain, Stop Managed Server, Stop Admin Server, Stop Node Manager, and Start Managed Server steps in the operation plan.
Failover Operation
Additional Prerequisites
Oracle Flashback Database must be enabled in Oracle RDBMS at all sites.
SSH password-less login must be enabled between the NMS servers on each site.
Operation Type
This operation performs a failover operation in the Oracle RDBMS to make the standby database primary and starts NMS at the standby site. This operation can be executed even if the primary site is not reachable. After successful completion, both the primary and standby site will be primary. NMS must be stopped at the original primary site and the Oracle RDBMS instance reinstated as standby. It is highly recommended that the Oracle RDBMS instance be reinstated as standby as soon as it is feasible to do so.
Operation Configuration
Disable the Start Managed Server step in the operation plan.
Delete the Run Script steps for the Pre-Scripts sg‑nmsreadonly and sg‑createrestorepoint in the operation plan.
Failover Patching Operation
Additional Prerequisites
Oracle Flashback Database must be enabled in Oracle RDBMS at all sites.
SSH password-less login must be enabled between the NMS servers on each site.
Dual-Environment Configuration must be used on all sites. See Chapter 6 - Environment Configuration for information.
Operation Type
This operation
Creates a guaranteed restore point in the primary Oracle RDBMS.
Turns on Read Only mode for NMS users at the primary site.
Performs a failover operation in the Oracle RDBMS to make the standby database primary.
This operation is used as part of the Steps to Deploy a Patch Bundle using Failover Patching section in Chapter 3 of the Oracle Utilities Network Management System Installation Guide and is not meant to be used outside of this context.
Operation Configuration
Enable the Run Script steps for the Pre-Scripts sg‑nmsreadonly and sg‑createrestorepoint and set the Error Mode to Stop on Error in the operation plan.
Delete the Run Script step for the Post-Script sgnmsswitchover in the operation plan.