Power Flow Service High Level Messages and Command Line Options
Power Flow Service High Level Messages
High level messages are available for data maintenance and troubleshooting.
Note: Oracle recommends that you check with Oracle Support before using these options for the first time - especially in a production environment. They could have unintended consequences for application functionality, performance, or environment resource consumption.
The following Action commands are accepted by PFService, using the form:
Action any.PFService <command> <options>
dump [<resource>]: Dump various internal data stores, as determined by <resource>. If no resource is given, then the configuration rules are reported.
measures: Dump SCADA measurement information for all devices.
memstats: Dump memory statistics.
nsm: Dump NSM statistics.
island <hdl>: Dump contents of island containing <hdl>.
feeder <hdl>: Dump contents of island containing <hdl>.
feederstatus: Dump feeder status.
reload: Reload configuration rules.
reload_rules: Reload configuration rules.
processintervaldata: Reload Xfmr profile data.
process_dms_feeders: Reload the DMS Feeder Status data.
validate_network: Report on Powerflow Model data.
dump_model <device> [session]: Topology dump of island containing device
island_report: Dump a status report about island solutions.
clear_scada: Clear PFService of all SCADA updates.
reset_dgs: Clear all temporary Distributed Generation conditions.
show_scada <device>: Display SCADA measurements for a device.
np_emulate [on|off|0|1]: Set Network Protector mode to on (1) or off (0). Mode toggles if no option given.
what <dev hdl | dev alias>: Report PowerFlow and topology status of device.
study_what session <dev hdl>: Report PowerFlow and topology status of device in study session.
debug [FACILITY} <level>: Set debug reporting level for any of the following facilities:
DBS: Report database related activity.
EMULATOR: Emulator only based activity.
FLA: Report FLA related activity.
FLISR: Report FLISR related activity.
FLM: Report FLM related activity.
FLOW: Report Nominal Flow Direction calculations.
LOCKS: Report Lock/Mutex handling.
LOADPROFILE: Report Xfmr profile handling.
MEASURES: Report SCADA related activity.
MEMSTATS: Report memory usage at significant events.
MESSAGES: Report messages.
MODEL: Report Model import, build and update actions.
PFSOLVE: Report Power Flow solution activity.
SEGMENT: Report island rebuilding actions.
SOLVE: Report topology solution activity.
SS: Report Suggested Switching activity.
VV: Report Volt/VAr activity.
TIMING: Report function timing.
Note: If a facility is not specified, you can turn debug on for all of them using Action any.PFService debug <level>.
debug_device <device>: Enable debug information for device.
stop_and_free [core]: Free all memory, and stop [optionally produce core file].
processcatalogs: Reload device rating catalogs.
resolve: Resolve the current solution.
flisr <command>
dump: Dump FLISR status information.
alarms: Perform the daily reminders about disabled devices.
mode <newMode>: Set the system wide mode for FLISR to one of the following:
disable: Disabled
manual: Manual
automatic: Automatic
device_disable <dev hdl> <user>: Disable the device for FLISR processing.
device_enable: <dev hdl> <user>: Re-enable the device for FLISR processing.
flm <command>
reforecast: Re-execute all future FLM forecasts.
hourlyTimer: Perform the top of the hour tasks.
stop: Stop forecasting.
start: Restart forecasting.
feeder_ca <command>: Control N-1 feeder contingency analysis.
start <runtime>: Start analysis, run for <runtime> minutes (default 60).
stop: Stop feeder contingency analysis.
feeder_da <command>: Control feeder data analysis.
start [runtime]: Start data analysis, run for <runtime> minutes (default 60).
stop: Stop feeder data analysis.
purge_fca: purge all of the existing Feeder Contingency Analysis results.
purge_fda: purge all of the existing Feeder Data Analysis results.
solve_island <device>: Solve island containing <device hdl>.
dump_disabled_islands: Report list of islands disabled by FLM.
reenable_island <src hdl>: Re-enable a specific island.
reenable_island: Re-enable all non-convergent islands.
disable_island <src hdl>: Disable a specific island.
messagestat <command>: Control PFS message statistics.
print: Report statistics on PFService message usage.
reset: Reset message counters to zero.
vvo_current: Initiate VVO current (fast cycle) execution.
vvo_hourly: Initiate VVO hourly (slow cycle) execution.
vvo_update_plan <event hdl>: Force an update on VVO plan for a passed event handle.
Power Flow Service Command Line Options
-no_alarms: Prevent generation of system alarms when FLM detects Feeder abnormal conditions.
-stats: Write Model Errors and Power Flow Island Statistics to the database.
-pfdbs: Use a dedicated DBService connection reserved just for PFService queries and updates in the RDBMS.
-incrSolveCutoff: Number of devices affected by a topology change that causes rebuilding to switch from incremental to full solves. Same behavior as the MTService option.
-stats: Have FLM generate solution and island statistics from the power flow solutions.
-allowAutoFlisrStartup: Allow FLISR to startup in automatic mode.