OMA Client Configuration
OMA client has a number of configuration file projects should expect to adjust for project needs. Most of the files are in the ~/src directory. Please review these directories for any project configuration settings you might like to change.
In addition to the previously described configuration areas, there are some configuration topics to review based on your project needs.
OMA also supports the Flex configuration override mechanism, which can make it easier to separate project customizations from base product code. To do this you can add configuration overrides in the .jsonc files in the resources/config directory - there is one for each .js file. See the configuration guide for more details of how this override mechanism works.
Migrating Map Configuration from Previous OMA Versions
It is possible to automatically migrate much of the map configuration from older OMA versions by adding the URL parameter "translateConfig=true" to the OMA URL when running in a browser during testing. This will add a console log entry with auto generated configuration based on the current configuration and methods in your OMA project. The contents of resources/config/mapConfig.jsonc can then be overwritten with this generated configuration. Note that there are some aspects of OMA configuration that cannot be effectively automatically migrated, if changes have been made to some functions in viewModels/map.js or resources/config/map.js. In particular the AddLineToElectricBucketStyle, redrawConditionLayer, isBigSymbolsConditionClassStatus and various labeling related methods should be compared with product implementation to check for differences, and if there are differences, the changes will have to be re-implemented in the new map configuration
Third Party Application Integration with the OMA Client
OMA supports these methods to allow third party integration: