Filtering Data Tables
Certain windows allow you to filter data tables using global and user-defined filters. The filters are listed in a Filters pane, which is typically docked on the left side of the table. The Filters pane has collapsible sections that list filters that you have set as Favorites, Global filters saved by your organization, Shared filters that have been created by users and shared, and Personal filters that you have created.
Creating and Editing Filters Using the Edit Filter Dialog Box
The Edit Filter dialog box allows you to create, edit, rename, and save filters. The Edit Filter dialog box with numbers next to fields to match the legend that follows.
The Edit Filter dialog box has five primary fields and panes:
1. The Name field.
2. The Criterion section provides the filtering rules and button actions.
Select a Column: A drop‑down list of all of the table's columns, which allows you to select the column to filter on.
Operator: A drop‑down list of filter operators that will define your data match rules. See “Understanding Operators” for operator definitions.
Value: Text field that allows you to enter the value that the filter will select against.
Note: The Value field changes based on the column and the operator you are using. For example, with the Est Restore Time column selected, you can get zero or more value fields displayed.
Operator: was yesterday. Value field is not displayed.
Operator: is between. Two Date/Time fields allowing you to set the boundary conditions.
Operator: is before (fixed). One Date/Time field allowing you to select a date that the estimated restore time will be before.
Operator: is before (relative). Two data fields are displayed. The first allows you to enter a value and the second is a drop‑down list with the time unit (minutes, hours, days, weeks). If you want to see all events that are estimated to be restored in the next five hours, you would enter 5 in the text field and select hours from the drop‑down list.
See “Understanding Operators” for more information about Operators.
3. And|Or Radio Buttons allow you to set the filter to match all criteria (And) or any of the criteria (Or).
4. Criteria Selection Action Buttons
Replace: When a filter criterion is selected in the Criteria List, the Replace button allows you to replace the selection with the filter criteria specified in the Criterion fields.
Add to List: Adds the filter criterion to the list of filter criteria.
5. The Criteria List shows the criteria that have been added to the filter.
6. The Criteria List Action buttons allow you to Remove selected criteria or Clear all criteria in the list.
7. The Action buttons allow you to save, apply, or close the dialog box without saving. You can also open online help for the dialog box.
Help…: Displays Online Help for the Filter dialog box.
OK: Applies any changes and closes the dialog box.
Apply: Applies any changes but leaves the dialog open.
Cancel: Closes the dialog without applying any changes.