Understanding the Manage Workspace Layouts Dialog Box
The Manage Workspace Layouts window allows you to create and manage your workspace layouts.
Understanding the Layout Name Pane
The Layout Name pane lists any workspace layouts associated with your user name.
Understanding Button Actions
Help: Launches online help for the Manage Workspace Layouts topic.
New: Enables you to create a new workspace layout.
Rename: Allows you to rename the selected workspace layout.
Update: Updates (overwrites) the selected workspace layout with the current window and frame layout.
Delete: Deletes the selected workspace layout.
Working with Workspace Layouts
The following procedures describe how to manage workspace layouts.
Adding a New Workspace Layout
1. Arrange your windows and frames as desired.
2. From the Web Workspace User menu, select Manage Preferences, then Manage Workspace Layouts. The Manage Workspace Layouts window is displayed.
3. Click New to open the New Workspace dialog box. Enter a name in the Workspace Name field and then click OK.
Note: Click Cancel to close the dialog box without creating a new layout.
4. Click Close to close the Manage Workspace Layouts window.
Loading a Workspace Layout
1. Begin a new Web Workspace session. At the Login screen, after validating your User ID and Password and then selecting your User Type, if applicable, select the Workspace Layout that best suits your monitors and work flow.
2. Click the Login button. The windows and frames (if applicable) are then displayed in the same configuration as when you saved the workspace layout.
Renaming a Workspace Layout
1. From the Web Workspace User menu, select Manage Preferences, and then select Manage Workspace Layouts.
2. In the Manage Workspace Layouts' Layout Name pane, select the workspace that you want to rename.
3. Click Rename and then enter the new name in the Workspace Name field.
4. Click OK. The Layout Name pane will update with the renamed layout
Updating a Workspace Layout
You have the ability to modify a layout by changing your working environment and then updating the previously created layout with the new configuration.
1. Arrange your windows and frames as desired.
2. From the Web Workspace User menu, select Manage Preferences, and then select Manage Workspace Layouts. The Manage Workspace Layouts window is displayed.
3. In the Layout Name pane, select the workspace that you want to update.
4. Click Update. The new layout is saved as the selected Workspace Layout name.
5. The Workspace Layout Saved dialog box will notify you that the workspace layout has been saved. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box.
Deleting a Workspace Layout
1. From the Web Workspace User menu, select Manage Preferences, and then select Manage Workspace Layouts.
2. In the Layout Name pane, select the workspace that you want to delete.
3. Click Delete. The Delete Workspace dialog box will open for you to confirm that you want to delete the workspace layout.
4. Click OK to delete the workspace layout; if you do not want to delete the workspace layout, click Cancel.