Sorting, Selecting, and Locking Events List Columns
When you right-click the events table header, a context menu displays a list of options that allow you to perform the following functions:
Menu Option
Displays the Sort Dialog so you can modify the default sort. See “Using the Sort Dialog Box”.
Select Columns...
Opens a dialog box that displays a list of columns that can be displayed in the Work Agenda table. A checkmark appears next to columns that are currently displayed. To remove a column from the table, deselect the box. To add a column that is not currently displayed, check the box. Click OK to exit.
Note: These settings are applied immediately and affect only the current user session. To save these settings as the default view for the Work Agenda (for the currently logged-in user), select Save Preferences from the Web Workspace Preferences menu.
Unlock Columns
When the Work Agenda is first launched, the first four columns are locked in place so they stay in view as you scroll the table to the right.
You may unlock the columns by choosing Unlock Columns from the context menu.
With the columns unlocked, you may lock columns by right-clicking the column you wish to be the right-most frozen column.
The Work Agenda table supports Quick Sorting, Dynamic Filtering, and Auto Filtering.