Understanding the Select Scope Pane
This pane allows you to define both how many and what kinds of events are displayed, either by filtering the events to be fetched and/or by limiting the number of events fetched.
Asset Scope: Defines whether to fetch events for just the current asset (default) or for all assets downstream of this asset found by a trace.
Note: If the device is de-energized, a Nominal trace is used to find the downstream assets.
Event Status Scope: Defines whether to fetch all events (default) or only either Completed or Incomplete events
Event Type Scope: Defines whether to fetch all events or only either Outage or Non-Outage events.
Max Events To Fetch: Defines the maximum number of events that match the above scope to fetch. Default is 50.
Oldest Event To Fetch: Defines a time and date limit of how far back to fetch events. Events will be fetched from the current time back to the time/date defined here. Default is Not Set.