Deleting a Note
You can delete a note once it no longer applies to the asset or the event.
To delete a note, complete these steps:
1. In the Viewer, open the Control Tool for the asset.
2. Click the Note… button. The Notes dialog box opens with existing notes listed in the Notes pane.
3. Select the note that you want to delete.
4. Click the Delete button. The note is deleted from the Notes dialog box.
If the deleted note was the only note for the asset, then the note symbol disappears from the Viewer.
If there is one note remaining, the number of notes displayed in the Viewer is removed.
If there are two or more notes remaining, the new number of notes is displayed in the parenthesis.
Viewing Asset Attribute Information
You can use the Control Tool to access attribute information for an asset. Attributes include physical and reference information about an asset, such as location and manufacturer.
To view asset attributes using the Control Tool, complete these steps:
1. Open the Control Tool for an asset.
2. Click the Attributes… button. The Attributes window opens as a dockable pane in the Viewer.
Note: The information displayed in the Attributes window is variable based on the available data and what your implementation configured to display for an asset type.
Toggling Call Display
You can view the calls associated with an event in the Viewer by clicking the Toggle Call Display button. A symbol appears attached to any transformers serving customers that have calls associated with the event. If there were multiple calls with the same "clues" then a number will appear in parentheses next to the call symbol. To hide the symbols, open the Control Tool from the asset and click the Toggle Call Display button again.
Viewing Associated Customers
To view the customers on and downstream from an asset, click the Control Tool Customer List… button. The Event Details window opens showing the Trouble Info tab's Customers views, which lists all customers on and downstream from the asset.
Note: You cannot change to the Trouble Info tab's Calls view when you open Event Details from the Customer List option.
If the selected asset is de-energized, the list will display all customers downstream from it in the nominal model configuration. From this page, you can initiate a ping request, as well as monitor previous ping results. See “Using the Trouble Info Tab” for more information.
Operating Assets
You can open or close an asset in the Viewer to reflect the current state of the asset in the field. The Control Tool's available asset operation options depend on the status of the asset. For example, a Control Tool opened from an open asset will only allow you to close the asset. In real-time mode, you must have authority over the control zone where the asset is located in order to operate the asset.