Associating a Document with an Asset
To associate a document with an asset, complete these steps:
1. Login to Web Workspace as an Administration user.
2. Select Manage Documents... from the Web Workspace Tools menu. The Manage Documents window opens. (See the previous section for field descriptions.)
3. Open a Viewer. Locate and select the asset to associate to a document. The Manage Document window's Selected Asset field populates with the name of the selected asset.
4. Select the item from the Available Documents list that you wish to associate with the selected asset. The Associate and View Document buttons are activated.
5. [Optional] Click View Document to display the document in an external viewer. For example, viewing a JPEG file might open the file in Windows Photo Viewer.
6. Click Associate to create the association between the selected document and selected asset. The following occurs:
The Manage Documents list populates with the document's filename and the Associated Assets field populates with the name of the selected asset.
In the Viewer, a document condition now appears on the selected asset.
7. Click Exit to close the Manage Documents window.