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Condition Summaries Help
Opens the online help system to the Condition Summaries help content.
Using the Conditions Summary Filter Pane
The Conditions Summary has the following Global filters:
Filter Name
All Conditions
Displays all conditions.
Displays only rows with Type equal to Note.
Pending Construction
Displays only rows with Type equal to Pending Construction.
Pending Decommission
Displays only rows with Type equal to Pending Decommission.
Displays on rows for the Quarantine (QUAR) work queue.
Displays only rows with Type equal to Tag.
See “Filtering Data Tables” for information on using Filter panes.
Using Condition Summaries Balloon Details
The Condition Summaries Balloon Details displays asset information (for example, note text and associated documents) for applicable rows selected in the Condition Summaries list.
To enable Balloon Details, click the Balloon Details button () on the Condition Summaries toolbar.
To view condition details (when Balloon Details is enabled):
1. Select a row in the Condition Summaries table. Balloon Details displays information about the selected condition, if available or applicable.
2. To close the balloon, click the close button in the balloon's top right corner.
Editing Conditions
To edit a selected condition, click the Edit button. The Edit balloon opens.
From this dialog box, you can perform the following tasks:
Edit the condition information as desired, then click the Save button.
Click the View button to focus the Viewer on the asset.
Click the Print button to print the condition text.
Click the Revert button to revert to the last saved version of the condition text.
Click the Help button to launch online help for the dialog box.
The Edit dialog box also appears if you double-click a condition row when Balloon Details are turned off.
Depending on the condition, you may be able to delete a condition by selecting the condition row and clicking the Delete button () from the Condition Summaries toolbar.