Using the User Log
The User Log displays a log of actions taken by a user.
To open the User Log, select User Log... from the Web Workspace Tools menu.
The User Log window displays the following fields:
The User ID field opens with the current user's identification, but the field may be edited to load log entries for a different user; for a different user log, enter their user ID and click Load User Log button ().
The Begin Time and End Time fields allow you to filter the User Log by time. To load log entries for a specific time period:
Enter a starting date in the Begin Time field.
Enter an ending date in the End Time field.
Note: You can enter a beginning date, an ending date, or both.
Click the Load User Log button (). The list is refreshed to display only entries with a date and time greater than or equal to the Begin Time and less than or equal to the End Time.
The User Comment field allows you to enter a user comment log entry.
The User Log Table has the following fields:
The Date/Time field displays the date/time at which the log entry occurred.
The Event field displays the Event # associated with the log entry.
The Text field displays a description of the log entry.
The Sheet/Doc # field displays the switching sheet or safety document number associated with the log entry.
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