Releasing Crews from an Event Symbol in the Viewer
1. Right-click the event symbol.
2. Select Release Crews... from the option menu. The Release Crews dialog box opens listing the crews assigned to the event. One or more crews may be selected.
3. With the crews selected, click Release to release the crews from the event.
The Release Crews dialog box will close, the crew will no longer be associated with the event, and the crew symbology will disappear from the Viewer.
Suspending a Crew
You can suspend a crew that is currently en route to or onsite at an event. Suspending the crew indicates that the crew is not able to complete the work at this time and is expected to resume work on the assignment at a later time.
To suspend a crew from an en route/onsite event, complete these steps:
1. From the Active Jobs table of Crew Info window select the crew you want to suspend.
2. Click the Suspend check box. The suspend date and time defaults to the current date and time. To specify a different date and time, click the calendar icon and then select the date and time the crew was suspended. And then click on the Apply button. The following occurs:
The crew button in the Icons view and the crew row in the List view change to the Suspended color (orange, by default).
The Current Assignments table in the Crew Info window displays Yes in the Suspended column for this assignment.