Oracle Utilities Network Management System Web Callbacks is an application used to manage callback requests for customers who have called in reporting an outage. When the outage is resolved, Web Callbacks provides the information necessary to call customers. Web Callbacks allows you to assign groups of callbacks to users and outsourcing agencies, and also supports a "one-at-a-time" approach, where you can select an outage and perform the next callback. Callbacks are only created for customers who called in and had "Callback Requested" indicated when their call was entered.
Web Callbacks displays information about the outage and the original customer call, and allows you to save the results of the callback (outage restored, phone busy, and so on). Customers whose outage is not restored are re-introduced into the Oracle Utilities Network Management System for re-analysis and restoration. A Still Out trouble code clue, which appears in Clues field in Work Agenda and Trouble Info, is added to calls re-introduced in this way. Web Callbacks interfaces with other Oracle Utilities Network Management System modules to display customer comments and operations remarks.