Overriding Historical Averages
To override the historical averages, complete these steps:
1. Make sure the currently selected control zone is at the simulation level.
2. Click in the cell of the % Change row for the column of the corresponding historical average category you want to change.
3. Revise the percentage in the cell to the value you want to use.
4. Click Enter.
5. Click the Save button on the toolbar or select Save from the System menu. The historical averages in the column immediately update to reflect the change.
Storm Management will use the modified values when recalculating estimates during the next scheduled simulation iteration. The modified values stay in place until you manually change the % Change row back to 100% or, if applied during storm mode, you exit storm mode. The historical averages are not changed in the database.
Using Storm Mode
Storm mode is useful during and after a storm or other high volume outage period. In this mode, the estimate calculations factor in crew availability.
Once a crew arrives onsite at an event, the Storm Management estimate calculation will then use the actual crew arrival time rather than the projected arrival time. The estimate calculation can adjust again when a crew reports an estimated repair time based upon observed field conditions.
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