Non-Storm Mode Algorithm Flow Chart
Flow chart showing the non-storm mode processes.
In summary, for an event that's in a control zone operating under non-storm mode:
Estimated assessment time =
the time at which the simulation iteration started +
the historical average number of minutes it takes an assessment crew to arrive onsite +
the historical average number of minutes it takes a crew to perform assessment once onsite
Estimated restoration time =
the estimated assessment time +
the historical average number of minutes it takes a repair crew to arrive onsite +
the historical average number of minutes it takes a crew to repair once onsite
If a crew that can perform assessment is already onsite:
Estimated assessment time =
The time at which the assessment crew arrived onsite +
the historical average number of minutes it takes a crew to perform assessment once onsite
If an event has an actual assessment provided and no repair crew is yet onsite:
Estimated restoration time =
The time at which the actual assessment was provided +
the historical average number of minutes it takes a repair crew to arrive onsite +
the actual number of minutes it will take to repair, per the assessment
If an event has an actual assessment provided and a repair crew is already onsite:
Estimated restoration time =
The time at which the repair crew arrived onsite +
the actual number of minutes it will take to repair, per the assessment =
If an event does not require assessment and no repair crew is yet onsite:
Estimated restoration time =
The time at which the simulation iteration started +
the historical average number of minutes it takes a repair crew to arrive onsite +
the historical average number of minutes it takes a crew to repair once onsite
Note: When the historical averages are applied to the calculation, the average that applies to the conditions at the time the particular step is projected to begin is used, not the average that applies to the conditions at the time the simulation iteration began. For example, Shift A has a particular average value for repair, and Shift B has a different average value for repair. The simulation iteration is in Shift A, but the calculated estimated assessment time falls in Shift B. When calculating the estimated restoration time, the historical average value for repair that pertains to Shift B will be used, not that of Shift A, because the repair isn't projected to begin until sometime during Shift B.
Storm Mode Algorithm
The algorithm for estimate calculation in storm mode is similar to that of non-storm mode, except that in storm mode the data entered into the Crew Information table on the Storm Management window is taken into consideration and used as the known crew resource allocation. At the start of each simulation, the algorithm assembles a crew availability list from the Crew Information table and uses that to keep track of when the next available crews are projected to be ready as the calculation progresses.
For an event that resides in a control zone that is operating under storm mode, the calculation of its estimated assessment and estimated restoration times is as follows:
Look up the historical average values that pertain to an event with its characteristics
Verify whether or not an assessment has already been made for the event (if JOBS.ACT_ASSESS_TIME is non-null)
If assessment has been made:
The repair time assessment provided (JOBS.EST_REPAIR_MINUTES) will be used in the calculation rather than the historical Repair average
Verify whether or not a crew is currently onsite for this event
If a crew is onsite:
Check the crew type to verify whether or not this type of crew is one that can repair this event
If crew can repair:
It is assumed that the crew that's onsite is there to perform the repair. The historical Travel to Repair average will not be used in the calculation. The actual repair time assessment (JOBS.EST_REPAIR_MINUTES) is added to the time at which the crew arrived onsite to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event
If crew cannot repair:
It is assumed that the onsite crew is there to perform the assessment, and another crew must be sent out to perform the repair. The historical Travel to Repair average and the actual repair time assessment are added to the time at which the first crew that is eligible to repair this event will become available to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event
If a crew is not onsite:
The historical Travel to Repair average and the actual repair time assessment are added to the time at which the first crew that is eligible to repair this event will become available to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event. The historical Clean average is added to the ERT and used as the time at which that eligible crew is available to be used for another event in the simulation.
If no assessment has yet been made:
Verify whether or not a crew is currently onsite for this event
If a crew is onsite:
Check the crew type to verify whether or not this type of crew is one that can both assess and repair this event
If the crew type cannot perform both tasks:
Verify if the crew type can repair this event
If crew can repair:
It is assumed that the crew that's onsite is there to perform the repair. The historical Travel to Repair average will not be used in the calculation. The historical Repair average is added to the time at which the crew arrived onsite to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event
If crew cannot repair:
It is assumed that the crew that's onsite is there to perform the assessment. The historical Assess average is added to the time at which the crew arrived onsite to generate the estimated assessment time (EAT). The historical Travel to Repair and historical Repair averages are added to the time at which the first crew that is eligible to repair this event will become available to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event. The historical Clean average is added to the ERT and used as the time at which that eligible crew is available to be used for another event in the simulation.
If crew type can perform both tasks:
Verify whether or not assessment is required for this event (if Travel to Assess and Assess averages are both 0, assessment is not required)
If assessment is not required:
It is assumed that the crew that's onsite is there to perform the repair. The historical Travel to Repair average will not be used in the calculation. The historical Repair average is added to the time at which the crew arrived onsite to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event
If assessment is required:
It is assumed that the crew that's onsite is there to perform the assessment. The historical Assess average is added to the time at which the crew arrived onsite to generate the estimated assessment time (EAT). The historical Travel to Repair and historical Repair averages are added to time at which the first crew that is eligible to repair this event will become available to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event
If a crew is not onsite:
Verify whether or not assessment is required for this event (if Travel to Assess and Assess averages are both 0, assessment is not required)
If assessment is not required:
No estimated assessment time (EAT) needs to be calculated. The historical Travel to Repair and historical Repair averages are added to the time at which the first crew that is eligible to repair this event will become available to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event. The historical Clean average is added to the ERT and used as the time at which that eligible crew is available to be used for another event in the simulation.
If assessment is required:
The historical Travel to Assess and historical Assess averages are added to the time at which the first crew that is eligible to assess this event will become available to generate the estimated assessment time (EAT) for the event. The EAT is used as the time at which that eligible assessment crew is available to be used for another event in the simulation. The historical Travel to Repair and historical Repair averages are added to the time at which the first crew that is eligible to repair this event will become available to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event. The historical Clean average is added to the ERT and used as the time at which that eligible repair crew is available to be used for another event in the simulation.