Editing a Contact
To edit a contact, complete these steps:
1. Click the Contact Manager tab on the Service Alert Administration Tool.
2. Click on a row in the Contacts table. This row represents the contact to be edited.
3. Click the Edit button. The appropriate fields become enabled.
4. Modify one or more of the following fields: Name, Contact ID, Email, Text/SMS, and Active.
5. If necessary, select a text messaging provider. See “Selecting a Text Messaging Provider” for instructions regarding selecting a text messaging provider.
6. Click the Save button to save the contact information.
Note: At least one of the following fields needs to be populated: Email, Text/SMS, and/or Script.
Selecting a Text Messaging Provider
To select a text messaging provider, complete these steps:
1. Click on the Search icon next to the Text/SMS field. The Select a Text Messaging Provider dialog box appears.
2. Click on a row in Text Message Providers table. This row represents the text messaging provider to be chosen. The Text Message Providers table contains the following columns:
Provider – The name of the text messaging provider company.
Prefix – A description of how an email alias for the SMS device is constructed. Typically, a sample prefix will be concatenated with the domain name.
Domain Name – The domain name used to construct the email alias for the SMS device.
3. Click OK to choose the selected text messaging provider, or Cancel to dismiss the dialog box without selecting a provider. The Select Text Message Provider dialog box closes.
4. Edit the Text/SMS field as appropriate.
Note: The text messaging provider table is populated during the system installation. If you need to add, edit, or modify text messaging provider information, then contact your system administrator.