Utility Customers Tab
The Utility Customers tab displays the following fields and buttons:
The header section contains details regarding a specific customer account.
The Account Number field displays the account number of the critical customer.
The Name field displays the name of the critical customer.
The Address field displays the address of the critical customer.
The Client Type menu allows you to specify a client type value for the critical customer. The available options are Undetermined, Office, Computer Data Center, Communications, Shelter, Command Center, Company Executives, and Business Leaders.
The Add button displays the Add Account dialog box. This dialog box allows you to add a critical customer into Service Alert. The main reason for doing this is to associate contact and contact phone information with the critical customer.
The Edit button places the header section into edit mode, allowing you to modify both the customer account name and the client type value.
The Remove button removes an account from Service Alert. This does not affect the customer's entries in the Oracle Utilities Network Management System tables.
The Search button displays the Search Account dialog box. This dialog box allows you to search for a critical customer that was previously added to Service Alert.
The Save button allows you to save any changes you made while the header section was in edit mode, and returns the section to non-editable mode.
The Cancel button returns the section to non-editable mode without saving any changes.
The Customer Assets pane displays a list of assets that are associated with the currently selected account.
The Service Location ID column contains the service location identification value for the asset.
The Asset ID column contains the identification value for the asset.
The Customer Contacts pane contains the list of contacts for the currently selected account. For convenience, the rows in the table can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on any column header.
The ID column contains the system assigned unique id for the customer contact entry.
The Name column contains the customer contact name.
The Title column contains the customer contact title, if applicable.
The Instructions column contains general instructions for contacting this individual.
The Add button displays the Add/Edit Customer Contact dialog box. This dialog box allows you to add a customer contact.
The Edit button displays the Add/Edit Customer Contact dialog box. This dialog box allows you to edit a customer contact.
The Remove button removes the contact from the critical customer contact listing.
The Search… button displays the Search Customer Contacts dialog box. This dialog box allows you to search for a customer contact that was previously added to Service Alert.
The Customer Contact Phones pane displays phone information for the currently selected contact in the Customer Contacts table. For convenience, the rows in the table can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on any column header.
The ID column contains the system assigned unique id for the customer contact phone entry.
The Type column contains the type of phone (Office, Home, Cell, and so on).
The Number column contains the phone number.
The Ext column contains the phone extension, if applicable.
The Call Time column contains the time of day to call the individual using this phone number (Anytime, Daytime, Nighttime, and so on).
The Sequence column contains the preferred calling order for reaching the customer contact.
The Add button displays the Add/Edit Customer Contact Phone dialog box. This dialog box allows you to add a customer contact phone entry.
The Edit button displays the Add/Edit Customer Contact Phone dialog box. This dialog box allows you to edit a customer contact phone entry.
The Remove button removes the contact phone entry from the selected contact's list of phone contact information.