Understanding the FEP Details
FEP Details opens in a tab that is used to view and edit the detailed options required to setup a FEP within the system. The tab name follows this pattern: FEP Details, a dash, and then the FEP Identifier (for example, FEP Details ‑ FEP_ID).
File Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Saves changes made in the FEP Details tool.
Toggle Dockable Window
Changes a standalone window to a pane that may be moved or docked in another window or frame. See “Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools” for more information on dockable and standalone windows.
Closes the SCADA Status window.
Actions Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Disable FEP
Disables the selected FEP
Enable FEP
Enables the selected FEP
Icon for Enable FEP
Creates a new FEP.
Icon for Add FEP
Remove FEP
Removes the selected FEP component.
Trash can icon for remove FEP
Add Connection
Adds a new connection to the FEP.
Delete Connection
Deletes the current connection.
Icon for deleting a connection.
Enable Connection
Enables the selected FEP connection.
Icon for enable connection
Disable Connection
Disables the selected FEP connection.
Icon for disable connection
Change Active Connection
Changes the communications channel used to communicate to the FEP. Only visible if the FEP has multiple channels configured.
Icon for changing the active connection
Help Menu
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
FEP Details Help
Launches online help for FEP Details.
The FEP Details tool is comprised of two main sections:-
Common Options
Connection List
FEP Common Options
The FEP Common options are typically the following:
Control: The configured state of the FEP. This is updated by actions menu options.
Status: The actual state of the FEP as reported by the system (not editable).
Name: A unique FEP name in the system, used for logging audit messages and errors.
Description: Optional description.
Debug: Defines whether internal debug information is logged for this FEP or not.
Keep Alive: The interval in milliseconds between keep alive messages to the FEP. A value of zero disables the keep alive functionality.
FEP Connections List
This section allows the configuration of one or more connections between the NMS system and the FEP itself. This could be redundant connections to the same FEP instance or connections to redundant FEPs. Connections can be added or removed as required, and also enabled or disabled from a right-click context menu.
Each connection has the following options:
Control: The configured state of the connection. This is edited by actions menu options.
Status: The actual state of the connection as reported by the system (not editable).
Name: A unique (on the FEP) name for the connection, used for logging audit messages and errors.
Description: Optional description.
Order: A defined order to try the connections - lowest value first.
IP Address: The TCP/IP address of the FEP for the connection.
Port: The TCP/IP port for the connection.