Viewing SCADA Data for a Selected Asset
To open the SCADA Summary for a specific asset, select the asset or pressure zone in the Viewer and launch the Control Tool. Click SCADA Summary... and select one of the options:
Asset...: loads the SCADA Summary with the SCADA measurement data for the selected asset.
Pressure Zone...: loads the SCADA Summary with SCADA measurement data for the selected asset's pressure zone.
Lift Station...: loads the SCADA Summary with SCADA measurement data for the selected asset's lift station.
When the SCADA Summary is launched from the Control Tool, the data source is shown in a bar above the table.
Note: If you select Load All from the SCADA Summary Actions menu or click the X button (Red X button.) on the bar above the table, the table will be repopulated with all measurements and the bar will be removed.
Loading SCADA Summary Data for a Different Asset
Once the SCADA Summary has been opened (from the Control Tool), you can view data for a different asset by selecting it in the Viewer, and then clicking the Load button in the bar above the data table.
Preventing Measurement Updates
To prevent a SCADA measurement from accepting updates from SCADA, complete the following steps:
1. Select SCADA Summary... from the Web Workspace Tools menu. The SCADA Summary window opens.
2. Select a row in the SCADA Summary table corresponding to the asset measurement that you want to prevent from updating.
3. Click the Inhibit button.
Manual Entry and Override of SCADA Measurement Values
Occasionally, you may need to manually enter a status, digital value, or analog value for a SCADA measurement.
If the value for the selected measurement is a valve status measurement (that is, open/close), you must choose Show Control Tool... from the context menu to manually operate the switch. Otherwise, use the following procedure to enter a value manually:
1. Select SCADA Summary... from the Web Workspace Tools menu. The SCADA Summary window opens.
2. Select the SCADA measurement row in the SCADA Summary list.
3. Click either the Manual Entry or Manual Override button.
Note: Manual Entry allows future SCADA value changes to replace the manually entered value. Manual Override prevents SCADA measurements received by the system from changing the manually entered value. Manual Override can be useful when testing specific assets or RTU communications offline, since the test operations can be prevented from creating outages in Oracle Utilities Network Management System by putting manual overrides on the appropriate status measurements.
If the value for the measurement is a multi-state digital, analog, or any type of measurement other than a valve status measurement (open/close), a dialog box opens, allowing you to enter a value.
Note: Multi-state digitals are not available through the Oracle Utilities Network Management System SCADA ICCP Block 1, 2, and 5 Adapter.
4. Select or enter the value you want to change the measurement to.
5. Click OK.
Note: Clicking Manual Override blocks any new values coming from the SCADA measurement. It does not affect the physical SCADA asset, it only blocks the value reported by the SCADA asset to Oracle Utilities Network Management System.