Assigning Crews to a Safety Document
The Select Safety Crew dialog box allows you to assign crews to the safety document. You may also create contractor crews from the Contractors tab. By default, the dialog box will open showing the crews listed on the parent switching sheet's Crews list. The Switching Sheet Crews tab will only be visible for safety documents associated to switching sheets.
Populating Crews from the Switching Sheet
Crews are automatically assigned to safety documents when the safety document is created from a switching sheet where the switching sheet has crews listed in the Crews list. If a subset of the switching sheet's crews should be used to populate the safety document's Crews list, then simply select the crews prior to creating the safety document from the switching sheet.
1. Add a list of crews to the switching sheet's Crews list.
2. Click the switching sheet's Create Safety Document button and select the desired safety document type.
The safety document will be created with a list of assigned crews matching the crews listed in the parent switching sheet. If none or all of the crews were highlighted in the switching sheet, then all of these crews will be assigned to the safety document. If a subset of the crews were highlighted in the switching sheet, then only those crews will be assigned to the safety document when it is created.
Selecting Crews from the System Crews List
To assign a standard (system) crew to the safety document:
1. Click the Select Crew... button () to open the Select Safety Crew dialog box
2. On the System Crews tab, select one or more crew rows in the table.
Note: You may Shift+Click to select multiple adjacent rows or Control+Click to select non-adjacent rows.
3. Click OK to assign the crews and close the dialog box.
Note: Click Apply to assign the selected crews without closing the dialog box. Crews will appear in the "Unknown" position.
Creating and Assigning Contractor Crews from the Contractor Entry Form
You may add a new contractor crew using the Contractor Entry Form. The created crews are assigned to the current safety document and added to the Contractor Crew List from which they may be assigned to other safety documents or switching sheets.
The form contains the following fields:
Crew ID: the crew name or identifier.
Contact: the name of the crew contact person.
Mobile #: the crew's mobile number.
Mobile Carrier: the wireless company providing service to the mobile phone or radio.
Alternate #: an alternate number for the crew.
Alternate Type: the crew's alternate number type (for example, home, personal mobile, and so on).
Pager #: the crew's pager number.
Type: crew option menu that allows you to choose the crew type.
Comments: text field for comments.
Create and Assign Crew (): assigns the new crew entry to the safety document and adds them to the contractor crew list.
Note: The Select Safety Crew dialog box closes once the add button () is clicked.
Clear Crew Fields (): clears the entry form.
Using the Contractor Crew List
The Contractor Crew List allows you to assign existing contractor crews to the safety document or populate the Contractor Entry Form to reuse crew data when creating additional contractor crews.
The form contains the following toolbar buttons:
Refresh Crew List (): refreshes the contractor crew list with the full list of active contractors found in the database.
Assign Crew (): assigns crews to the safety document.
Transfer Crew Data (): transfers the selected crew's data up to the Contractor Entry Form fields. This allows contractors to be copied with minimal effort.
Obsolete Crew (): obsoletes a crew so that it no longer shows up in the Contractor Crew List. If the crew is still part of an active safety document or switching sheet, an error will be generated. The crew is not deleted from the system as it is still needed for auditing purposes in completed switching sheets and safety documents.
Assigning an Existing Contractor Crew
1. Select the crew rows in the Contractor Crew List.
2. Click the Assign Crew button () to assign the crews to the sheet.
Assigning a New Contractor Crew Using Existing Crew Data
To create an additional contractor crew using data from an existing crew, do the following
1. In the Contractor Crew List, select the row with the desired crew data.
2. Click the Transfer Crew Data button () to copy the data to the Contractor Entry Form.
3. Edit the data for the new crew.
4. Click the Create and Assign Crew button () to assign the new crew to the safety document and add them to the Contractor Crew List.