Issuing Safety Documents
Safety documents are issued when an Issue safety document switching step is completed and the Execute button is clicked on the safety document.
Note: The appropriate tag type must be placed on the asset prior to the safety document being issued. For example, to issue a Hold document, you must place a Hold tag on the asset before the safety document can be issued. This only pertains to assets associated to switching steps. Assets not associated to steps will automatically have conditions placed on the them when the document is issued.
When a safety document is transitioned from the Unissued state to the Issued state, all of the pending asset list changes will be applied. If the transition is initiated in real-time mode, then any assets marked for removal will be removed from the list and related audit log entries will be created for each asset change.
Once a safety document is issued:
Crews are transitioned to the "Issued" position.
You cannot complete, delete, or reissue the safety document. The asset lists cannot be altered while in the Issued state.
The only state related button options available on the safety document dialog box are Unissue and Release.
The Viewer displays a symbol on all assets that are specified in the safety document to indicate that the safety document has been issued.
Issuing Safety Documents Manually
To issue a safety document manually:
1. Open the safety document (if it is not already open) by selecting the document on the Safety Documents tab and clicking the Open button.
2. Click Issue on the open safety document. A symbol appears on all assets that are specified in the safety document to indicate that the safety document has been issued.
Note: If you manually Issue a safety document in real-time mode, a safety state transition step is automatically recorded to the Steps list, regardless of whether step recording is turned on. This is the audit of the safety documents transitions.
Issuing Safety Documents While Executing Steps
To issue a safety document through step execution:
1. From the Steps List, select the Issue safety state transition step and click the Complete button. The Execute Safety Step dialog box opens, and the Execute and Cancel buttons are enabled.
Note: When instructing safety state transition steps in real-time mode, the safety document dialog box is not displayed. It is only displayed when the step is completed.
2. Click the Execute button. A symbol appears on all assets in the Viewer that are specified in the safety document to indicate that the safety document has been issued. The safety state transition step is also marked as Completed.
If any of the assets in the Tag Points list were not associated to switching steps, then conditions will be applied to the assets first. After all the conditions are on the assets, then the conditions will be changed to indicate that they are under the control of the safety document.