Releasing Safety Documents
Safety documents are released when switching steps associated to a releasing safety document are completed and the safety document's Execute button is clicked. The symbol for the safety document is removed from the asset in the Viewer and the original tag symbols are placed back onto the asset. At this point the Safety Document can either be reissued to a different crew or completed.
Note: Safety Documents cannot be released if any crews are still in the "Issued" position. Crews need to be "Clear" to proceed.
Releasing Safety Documents Manually
To release a safety document manually:
Note: The document must already be issued before it can be released.
1. Open the safety document (if it is not already open) by selecting the document on the Safety Documents tab and click Open.
2. In the safety document, click Release. The symbol for the safety document is removed from the asset and the original tag symbols are placed on the asset.
Note: If you manually release a safety document in real-time mode, a safety state transition step is automatically recorded to the Steps list, regardless of whether step recording is turned on. This is the audit of the safety documents transitions.
Releasing Safety Documents While Executing Steps
To release a safety document through step execution:
1. From the Steps List, select the Release safety state transition step and click Complete. The Execute Safety Step dialog box opens, and the Execute and Cancel buttons are enabled.
Note: When instructing safety state transition steps in real-time mode, the safety document dialog box is not displayed. It is only displayed when the step is completed.
2. Click Execute. The symbol for the safety document is removed from the assets and the original tag symbols are placed on the assets. The safety state transition step is also marked as Completed.
Deleting a Safety Document
Safety documents can be marked as Deleted from the associated switching sheets Safety Documents tab. Safety documents can only transition to the Deleted state when they do not have safety state transition steps linked to them in the switching sheet's Steps list. Attempting to mark a safety document as Deleted with linked safety state transition steps will result in an error dialog box. You will need to delete the safety state transition steps before the safety document can be marked as Deleted.
To mark a safety document as Deleted:
1. Navigate to the associated switching sheets Safety Documents tab.
2. From the safety documents list, select the document entry, and click Delete. The document will be marked as Deleted. Safety documents can only be marked as Deleted when in the New state.
Delegating Control of a Network Area
When you issue a DCZ Safety document, the system delegates the segment of the network bounded by the listed assets. No operations are allowed on any assets in the segment until the document is released.
Your assets must completely bound an area to be considered adequate for Delegated Control. That is, there should be no alternate way to supply any of the assets in the area.
Safety Document List
The Safety Document List is a tool used to manage active safety documents and any safety documents associated to switching sheets that have been completed in the last 30 days. To load safety documents no longer available in the Safety Document List, use the Search Safety Document window.
The Safety Document List will load the full list from the database when it is first displayed. After the initial load of the data, the list will dynamically update with changes from all users on the system. Dynamic updates happen periodically at 15 second intervals. A safety document's updates will only be broadcast out to the other users once it has been saved to the database.
The full list of safety documents will be queried from the database when you alter your subscribed zones via the Authority tool. The full list will also be queried if you select the Refresh button from the Actions menu. Once the full list has been loaded, the list will go back to being dynamically updated.
The Safety Document List serves as the primary mechanism from which to load safety documents outside or not associated to switching sheets. You can either double click on a single entry or highlight multiple entries and click the Open... toolbar option.
Note: When loading multiple safety documents, a progress bar will be displayed at the bottom of the window.
Once an open request has been initiated, it cannot be canceled, but the system does restrict you from having more than 15 switching sheets open at any one time. Each safety document is linked to a switching sheet.
The Safety Document List will be filtered based on the control zones you are subscribed to. The asset listed on the parent sheet's Request tab determines the control zone that a safety document is associated with; however, if no asset is entered, then the safety document will fall within the FUZZY zone.
Menu and Toolbar Features
This section lists and describes the menu options and toolbar icons available in the Safety Document List.