Pending Map Actions
With a map selected in the Pending Maps section, right-click to view the context menu. The options, listed below, are dependent on the state of the file selected.
Map History...: See “Displaying Map History” for information.
Preprocessor Log...: See “Displaying the Preprocessor Log” for information.
Delete...: Allows you to delete processed .mb or .mbd files and to be preprocessed *.mp files that you do not want to build or commit to the model.
Build Maps: See “Building Maps” for information.
Patches Section
The Patches section lists all patches for the last 24 hours. To see patches for another time period, change the beginning and ending dates above the list as desired, then click the Refresh button.
The Patches section displays the following columns:
Patch: Displays the patch number. The system assigns a number to a patch when it is submitted.
Map Names: Displays the name of the model maps.
Creation Date: Displays the date the patch was created.
Commit Date: Displays the date the patch was submitted to the Model Builder.
Build Status: Displays the status of the patch submission. Statuses are:
Successful: The patch was successfully applied and the model was updated.
Failed Submit: The patch was submitted to the Model Builder, but the map could not be built. See “Rebuilding a Patch” for details on correcting this problem.
Failed commit: The patch was submitted to the Model Builder, but the map could not be committed due to a dynamic data error. See “Rebuilding a Patch” for details on correcting this problem.
In Progress: The patch is currently being processed by the Model Builder. The map files are either being parsed, being applied, or being committed to the database.
Status Bar
The status bar displays the following information:
Maps to Build: The total number of maps that need to be built. These maps are displayed in the Pending Maps section of the screen.
Failed Map: The total number of maps that could not be built (were submitted and failed).
Model Build Status:
Enabled: Model building is currently enabled. To disable, click the Halt Model Build button ().
Halted: Model building has been halted. To re-enable, click the Enable Model Build button ().
In Progress: A model build is currently in progress.