Using the Flex User Administration Tab
The Flex User Administration tab provides configuration options for Flex users that are similar to those on the User Administration tab. The tab provides panes for configuring different permissions.
Understanding User Type Permissions Pane
The User Types Permissions pane lists the Flex Operations User Types, Available User Type Permissions, and Current User Type Permissions in a three column layout.
The standard Flex User Types are:
Flex Full Operations plus Switching: Provides access to all Flex Operations tools (such as the Events List, Map, and so on) plus the Switching-related tools, such as switching sheets.
Flex Full Operations: Provides access to all Flex Operations tools.
Flex Crew Operations: Provides a limited version of Flex Operations with only the tools necessary for crew administration functions.
Flex Switching Request: Provides access to the Flex Operations Switching Request environment with only the tools necessary to create switching requests.
Flex View Only: Provides read-only access to the operational environment.