Using the Add / Edit Alarm Priority Dialog Box
The Add / Edit Alarm Priority dialog box allows you to create or edit existing alarm priority. The dialog box has the following fields:
The Name column defines the name of the priority
The Sound column defines the wav file associated with the alarm priority.
The Active column defines whether the priority is active or not.
The following buttons are available:
Save Changes: Saves the alarm priority and closed the dialog.
Cancel Edit: Cancels the action and closes the dialog.
Understanding the Classes Tab
The Classes tab defines the available alarm classes in the system. The classes allow alarms to be broadly grouped into sensible classifications that can then be filtered on.
The Classes table has the following columns:
The Name column defines the name of the class.
The Active column defines whether the class is active or not.
The following right click options are available:
Add New Class…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Class dialog box to allow a new row to be created.
Edit…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Class dialog box to allow the selected row to be edited.
Remove: Removes the alarm class.
The following buttons are available:
Add …: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Class dialog box to allow a new class to be created.
Remove…: Deletes the selected class.
Edit…: Opens the Add / Edit Alarm Class dialog box with the selected rows values.
Refresh: Refreshes the screen.
Recache Services: Causes the Oracle Utilities Network Management System services to recache with the new alarm classes you configured; otherwise, saved changes will not be recognized until Oracle Utilities Network Management System services are restarted.
Export Table…: Displays the SQL needed to create the data displayed in this table.