Understanding Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting can be applied to every data grid in NMS, making it a powerful way of configuring the system to draw your attention to important changes of state in the system.
Note: Conditional formatting can be applied to tables by suitably authorized users.
Global and Personal Conditional Formatting
NMS supports Global and Personal Conditional Formatting.
Global conditional formatting is applied to all users of the system. Users see the formatting the next time they log in. Global conditional formatting rules are usually applied by Administrators.
Personal conditional formatting takes precedence over any global formatting. Only user types with the appropriate roles can apply personal conditional formatting.
The order of global and personal formatting rules are applied is defined in Conditional Formatting Precedence Rules.
Applying Conditional Formatting to a Table
To apply conditional formatting to a table, right-click any column heading, and then select either Edit Global Conditional Formatting or Edit Personal Conditional Formatting.
Adding a conditional formatting rule requires you to add a rule and then configure the formatting for the rule. These tasks are accomplished using the Conditional Formatting Dialog and the Edit Rule Dialog.