Editing Editable Tags
To edit an editable tag type on a device:
1. Open the Control Tool for the device.
2. Select the editable tag type from the Tags... menu and then select Place Tag... or Instruct Place Tag... to open the Tags dialog box.
3. Select the tag that you wish to edit in the Tags pane table.
4. Click the Edit button. The editable fields will be enabled.
5. Edit the information that you wish to modify and click Save.
Note: Click the Cancel button to close the dialog box without saving changes.
Placing Grounds
When you open a Control Tool from certain devices or conductors (for example, fuse or wire), the ground function is available. Grounding a device grounds all parts of the circuit connected to the grounding point. The Look Ahead dialog box warns you if the grounding action will create a live, grounded circuit. The grounded circuit is highlighted in the Viewer and indicated by a grounding symbol at the selected device or midpoint of the selected conductor.