Steps Tab Toolbar and Context Menus
The Steps tab toolbar displays buttons for actions that you can perform. If a button is grayed, then that action is not currently permitted. Some toolbar buttons, such as the Cut and Paste options, are also available through a context menu that is displayed when you right-click a step row. The context menu contains some options that do not appear on the toolbar.
The table in the next section describes all actions that can be performed on the Steps tab with toolbar buttons, keyboard shortcuts, and/or context menu items
Understanding Steps Tab Actions
To perform this action
Do this
Turn record mode on
Record mode must be on in order to record operations using the Viewer and Control tool. The status bar displays the recording mode status.
Turn record mode off
The status bar displays the recording mode status.
Mark the selected step as crew ready for instruct.
This button is enabled only when the step state is New or Uninstructed and none of the selected steps have already been marked as Crew Ready. The selected steps also have to be linked to a device. When you click this button, the Crew Ready and Ready Date columns will be populated.
Instruct the selected steps
When you select this button, the Instructed By and Instructed Date columns are populated.
Complete the selected steps
Once the action is complete, the status of the step changes to Completed (“Switching Sheet Step States”). The Completed Date column is also updated with the current date.
Abort the selected steps
Use this action if a step was never attempted. When you click this button, the status of the step changes to Aborted (“Switching Sheet Step States”). The Completed Date column is updated with the current date.
However, the switching action is not actually performed.
Mark the selected steps as failed
Use this if a step was attempted but failed. When you click this button, the status of the step changes to Action Failed (“Switching Sheet Step States”) and the Completed Date column is updated with the current date. However, the action is not actually performed against the real-time data model.
Clear the Crew Ready status
Use this action to clear the Crew Ready and Ready Date columns.
This button is enabled only when the step state is in New or Uninstructed state.
Uninstruct an instructed step
Use this action to change the state of an instructed step to Uninstructed (see “Switching Sheet Step States”). If the step has a device and an instruct condition on the device, then the condition will be removed prior to the step transitioning to the Uninstructed state. Steps that are in the Uninstructed state can be instructed again or aborted, failed or completed.
The uninstruct action is not available for SCADA instructed actions. This option is not available for steps in the SCADA Pending state.
Uninstructed steps may be deleted.
Focus the Viewer on the objects referenced in the currently selected list of steps
The toolbar button, when used with single step selections, will focus on a single device and set the environment's selected device to the step's associated device.
Cut steps to the clipboard
Select one or more steps. The selected steps are marked as being cut and are placed on the clipboard. The steps will only be moved after they have been pasted to their new location. Use the Paste option to paste the steps.
Alternatively, right-click and select Cut from the context menu or press Control+X.
Move Steps to the Miscellaneous Log
This action moves Real Time Completed, Aborted, Failed or Instructed steps to the Miscellaneous Log. SCADA Pending steps cannot be moved until they have transitioned to one of the states already stated. Any step in a New or Uninstructed state will not be moved as the Miscellaneous Log only displays Real Time steps that are in a terminal or Instructed state. Any attempt to move an immovable step will result in an error dialog box and the steps will not be moved from the switching sheet's steps list. To move steps to the Miscellaneous Log, select one or more steps and select Move Steps to Misc Log from the right-click context menu.
Copy steps to the clipboard
You can select one or more steps. The selected steps are copied to the clipboard. Select the Paste option to paste the steps.
Alternatively, right-click and choose Copy from the context menu or press Control+C.
Copy steps as go-back steps
You can select one or more steps. Reverse steps are created for each selected step and copied to the clipboard. Select the Paste option to paste the steps.
Alternatively, right-click and choose Copy as Go-Backs from the context menu or press Control+G.
Paste steps from clipboard
Steps are pasted after the currently selected step. The operation pastes the steps that were placed in the clipboard during the last Cut, Copy, or Copy as Go-Backs operation. Once the steps have been pasted, the Paste button is no longer available and the contents of the clipboard are cleared.
Alternatively, right-click and select Paste from the context menu or press Control+V.
Delete steps
Deletes the selected steps from the plan. This button is disabled if the step has transitioned beyond its initial state (No State).
Alternatively, right-click and select Delete from the context menu or press Control+D.
Show Manual Step Addition Form
Shows the Manual Step Addition pane, which allows you to add steps without using the Control Tool. See “Adding Steps Manually”.
Clear the step's Condition
Class and Index fields for this step.
Right-click and choose Clear Condition Indexes from the context menu.
The action will only happen for steps that are not in a terminal state. Click this button to remove the condition class and index associated to the step. An error dialog box will be displayed if any of the selected steps' condition handles could not be cleared.
Insert a blank step
Right-click and choose Insert Blank Step from the context menu.
Inserts a new blank step after the currently selected step. This is useful for adding comment steps. See “Adding Comment Steps” for more information.
Clear Crews
Right-click and choose Clear Crews from the context menu.
Clear the Instructed To fields for the selected steps. This will clear the crew assignments from the selected steps.
Update Step Control Zone Data
Right-click and choose Update Step Control Zone Data from the context menu.
If a step’s device has been altered and placed into a different control zone, then select this option to update the step’s associated control zone.